Aaron (Aihran) of Aleth, Brittany, Hermit |
Aaron of Caerleon, Wales, Romano-Briton Soldier, Martyr |
Abban, Abbot of Magheranoidhe (aka Abban of New Ross), in Ireland |
Abdon, Martyr |
Abel, Archbishop of Rheims |
Abilius, 3rd Patriarch of Alexandria |
Abra, Daughter of St. Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers |
Abraham of Smolensk, Abbot |
Absalom of Cappadocia, Martyr |
Abundantius |
Abundinus, Martyr |
Abundius, Bishop of Como |
Abundius, Martyr |
Abundius of Rome, sewer worker, Martyr |
Acacius (Acathius) of Cappadocia, Soldier, Martyred in Byzantium |
Acathius, Martyr |
Acca, Abbot and Bishop of Hexham, Northumbria |
Acepsimas, Bishop of Hnaita, Western Persia, Martyr |
Acharius, Bishop of Noyon and Tournai, Belgium |
Achilleus of Rome, Praetorian Guard, Martyr |
Achius, Martyr |
Acindynus of Thrace, Martyr |
Acindynus, Persian Martyr |
Acislo, Martyr of Cordoba |
Adalar, Benedictine Companion of St. Boniface, Martyr |
Adalbald of Ostrevant, Martyr |
Adalbert (Voitech) Bishop of Prague and Martyr |
Adalgisus of Thierache, Irish Missionary |
Adam, Abbot of San Sabino Monastery in Fermo, Italy |
Adela, Matron, Mother of St. Trond |
Adelaide, Empress |
Adelfa Soro de Nuestra Senora del Rosario, Dominican Nun, Martyr |
Adelgunde (Aldegundis), Founding Abbess of Maubeuge |
Adeltrudis, Countess of Aurillac, Mother of St. Gerald |
Aderald of Troyes, Canon and Archdeacon |
Adolph, bishop of Osnabruck |
Adolph, Martyr |
Adrian III, Pope |
Adrian, Soldier and Martyr |
Adriana of Frisia, Virgin and Martyr |
Adulph, English Auxiliary Bishop of Maestricht |
Aelred (Ethelred) Cistercian, Third Abbot of Rievaulx, Yorkshire, England |
Aemiliana of Rome, Virgin, Aunt of Pope Gregory the Great |
Aemilianus, Irish Abbot of Legny |
Aemilius (Emilio) Martyr |
Aengus the Culdee, Author of the Martyrology of Tallaght |
Aetherius, Bishop of Vienne |
Aetherius, Martyr |
Afra, Virgin martyred at Augsburg |
Agabus of Antioch, New Teatament Prophet |
Agabus, Bishop of Novara |
Agapit the Doctor (the Unmercenary), Monk of the Great Lavra of the Caves in Kiev |
Agapitus of Caesarea, Martyr |
Agapitus of Palestrina, Martyr |
Agapitus of Rome, Pope |
Agapitus, Bishop of Ravenna |
Agapitus, Martyr |
Agatha of Catania, Virgin and Martyr |
Agathangelus, Martyr |
Agatho, Pope |
Agathon the Wonderworker, Monk of the Great Lavra of the Caves in Kiev |
Agathonia, Martyr |
Agathonica (Agathonice) of Pergamum, first woman Martyr named by Eusebius |
Agathpodes, Deacon, Martyred in Thessaloniki |
Agberto |
Agilbert, Bishop of Angers |
Agileus, Martyred at Carthage |
Agilus (Ayeul), Abbot of Rebais (near Paris) |
Agnellus of Naples, Abbot |
Agnellus, Archbishop of Ravenna |
Agnes of Bagno di Romagna, Camoldolese Nun |
Agnes of Bohemia (Agnes of Prague), Princess and Poor Clare Abbess |
Agnes of Jesus Galand, Dominican Prioress of Langeac, Mystic |
Agnes of Montepulciano, Dominican Prioress |
Agnes of Poitiers, St. Radegund’s adopted daughter, 1st Abbess of Holy Cross Convent |
Agnes of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Agoardus, Martyr |
Agricola |
Agricola, Bishop (either of Avignnon or Nevers) |
Agricola, Martyr of Pannoia |
Agrippina of Mineo, Sicily, Virgin and Martyr |
Agrippina of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Agrippinus, Bishop of Naples |
Aibert, Benedictine Hermit |
Aidan, Bishop of Lindisfarne |
Ailbe, (Elvis) Irish Bishop of Emly |
Airald, Bishop of st. Jean-de-Maurienne |
Alain (Alan, Allen), Abbot of Lavaur in Gascony |
Alain de Solminiihac, Augustinian Bishop of Cahors |
Alaric of Ufnau, Swiss Priest and Hermit |
Alban, Soldier, Protomartyr of England |
Alberic Crescitelli, Italian Missionary, Martyred in China |
Alberic, Co-founder of the Cistercian Order |
Albert Avogadro, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Co-founder of the Carmelite Order |
Albert of Bergamo, Married, third order Dominican, Confessor |
Albert of Louvain, Cardinal Bishop of Liege, Martyr |
Albert of Trapani, Carmelite Priest |
Albert the Great, Dominican Bishop of Magdeburg and Doctor of the Church |
Albert, Count of Haigerloch |
Albertina Berkenbrock, Young Woman Martyred in Brazil |
Alberto Marvelli, Head of Catholic Action in Italy |
Albina of Formio, Virgin and Martyr |
Albina of Paris, Martyr |
Albinus (Albino), Bishop of Vercelli |
Alburga, First Abbess of Wilton |
Alcuin of York, Abbot of Tours, Head of Charlemagne’s School at Aachen |
Alda (Aude), disciple of St. Genevieve, Hermit |
Aldebrandus (Hildebrand) of Fossombrone, Abbot of Rimini |
Aldegonde, Virgin, Abbess of Mons, Sister of Waldetrude |
Aldegund (Adelgund), Foundress and First Abbess of Maubeuge, Hainault |
Aldhelm, Abbot of Malmesbury, Bishop of Sherborne, England |
Alena of Dielbeck, Brabant, Virgin and Martyr |
Alethe de Montbard deFontaine, Mother of St. Bernard of Clairvaux |
Alexander Akimetes (the Sleepless One) Founder of the Sleepless One monks |
Alexander Carbonera, Bishop and Martyr |
Alexander I, Pope and Martyr |
Alexander Nevsky, Greatest Hero of Rus’ |
Alexander of Carthage, Martyr |
Alexander of Drizipara (Thrace), Soldier and Martyr |
Alexander of Pydna, Macedonia, Soldier and Martyr |
Alexander Sauli, Bishop, Apostle of Corsica |
Alexander, Martyr |
Alexander, Martyr |
Alexander, Martyred at Antwerp |
Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria |
Alexander, Patriarch of Constsntinople |
Alexandra of Egypt, Solitary |
Alexis Falconieri, one of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order |
Alexis of Rome, Confessor |
Alfons (Joseph) Maria Mazurek, Polish Carmelite Priese, Murdered by the Nazis |
Alfonso (Alphonsus) Pacecho, Jesuit Priest, Martyred in India |
Alfred Pampalon, Canadian Redemptorist Priest, patron of alcoholics and drug addicts |
Alfred the Great, King of Wessex |
Alfreda, Abbess of Crowland |
Alice of Scherbeck, Cisterician Nun |
Allaume of Burgos, French Soldier, Spanish Benedictine |
Alodia of Huesca, Martyr of Cordoba |
Aloysius (Luigi) Guanella, Priest, Founder of the Servants of Charity and the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence |
Aloysius Gonzaga, Jesuit Novice |
Alphaeus of Caesarea in Palsetine, Martyr |
Alphonsa Muttathupadathu, Poor Clare Nun, first canonized Indian saint |
Alphonsus (Alonzo) Rodriguez, Jesuit Lay Brother |
Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, Founded the Redemptorists |
Altfrid (Alfred), Bishop of Hildesheim |
Altmann, Bishop of Passau |
Alto |
Alvaro of Cordoba, Dominican Prior |
Alypius, Bishop of Tagaste in North Africa |
Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy |
Amalia (Amalburga), Abbess of Rodin |
Amand (Amandus), Bishop of Bordeaux |
Amand (Amandus), Bishop of Maestricht, Apostle to Flanders |
Amand (Amandus), Bishop of Rennes, Brittany |
Amandus, Bishop of Worms |
Amantia, Martyr |
Amantius, Bishop of Como |
Amasius, Bishop of Teano, Italy |
Amata, Martyr |
Amator, Martyred in Alexandria |
Amatus, Solider, Martyred at Nyon (Neuss) on Lake Geneva, Switzerland |
Ambrose (Edward) Barlow, English Benedictine Monk, Martyr |
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan and Father of the Church |
Amelberga (Amalberga) of Rodin, Flanders, Virgin |
Amon, Egyptian Abbot |
Ampelius, Egyptian Hermit, Patron of Blacksmiths |
Anacleto Gonzalez Flores, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr |
Anacletus, Pope and Martyr |
Ananias (Hananiah) of Damascus, Bishop and Martyr, who baptized St. Paul |
Anastasia of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Anastasia of Sirmium, Virgin and Martyr |
Anastasia the Patrician of Constantinople, Hermitess |
Anastasius I, Patriarch of Antioch |
Anastasius the Persian, Martyr |
Anastasius XVIII, Archbishop of Sens |
Anastasius, Bishop of Brescia |
Anastasius, First Archbishop of Hungary, Friend of St. Stephen of Hungary |
Anathoile-Francoise Thoulier, Poor Clare Mystic |
Anatolia of Thora, on Lake Velino, Italy, Martyr |
Anatolianus |
Anatolius, Bishop (either of Constantinople or of Laodicia) |
Anatolius, Bishop of Milan |
Andre (Arnold) Bessette, Canadian Holy Cross Brother |
Andrea Dotti, Servite Priest |
Andreas Sola y Molist, Mexican Claretian Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Andrei Rublev, Russian monk, great Iconographer |
Andrew Avellino (baptized “Lancelot”), Theatine Priest |
Andrew Bobola, Jesuit Priest, Martyr |
Andrew Calibita |
Andrew Corsini, Carmelite Bishop of Fiesole |
Andrew Hubert Fournet, Priest, Co-founder of the Daughters of the Cross |
Andrew Kim Taegon, Jesuit Priest, First Korean Priest, Martyr |
Andrew of Montereale, Augustinian Priest |
Andrew Phu Yen, Catechist, Protomartyr of Viet Nam |
Andrew the Apostle |
Andrew, Archbishop of Crete |
Andronicus, Martyr |
Andronikos, husband of Athanasia |
Anectus of Cesarea, Martyr |
Angadrisma, daughter of Bishop Robert I of Tours, Abbess of Oroce-des-Vierges |
Angela Merici, Foundress of the Ursulines |
Angela of Foligno |
Angela of the Cross, Spanish Carmelite Mystic |
Angelico (Fra Angelico), (Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, born Guido di Pietro) Dominican Renaissance artist |
Angelina, Despotissa, Albanian Queen of Serbia, Matron |
Angelo of Furcio, Augustinian Priest |
Angelo Paoli, Carmelite Priest |
Angelus (Angelo) of Jerusalem (of Sicily), Carmelite Martyred in Sicily |
Angus McNisse (Macinisius), 1st Bishop/Abbot of Kells, appointed by St. Patrick |
Anianus (Aignan), Bishop of Orleans, Confessor |
Anianus, Second Patriarch of Alexandria |
Aniceto Adolfo (Manuel Seco Guitierrex), Christian Brother, Martyr of Turon |
Anicetus, Pope |
Ann Lyne, Martyred under Queen Elizabeth I |
Anna Maria Taigi, Widow, Prophet |
Anna Schaeffer. Bavarian Mystic and Stigmatic |
Anna, Grand Duchess of Novgorod, Grand Princess of Kiev |
Anne Catherine Emmerich, Augustinian nun, ecstatic, stigmatic |
Anne of St. Bartholomew, dear friend and secretary of Teresa of Avila |
Anne, Mother of Our Lady |
Anne-Marie Javouhey, Nun, Foundress of the Institute of St. Joseph of Cluny |
Annibale (Hanibal) Maria di Francia, Priest, Servant of the Poor |
Anno II, Archbishop of Cologne |
Anonimus, Martyr |
Anselm, Abbot of Fanano |
Anselm, Abbot of Nonatola |
Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury and Doctor of the Church |
Anselm, Martyr |
Ansfrid, Count and Bishop of Utrecht |
Ansgar (Oscar), Archbishop of Bremen, Apostle to Scandinavia |
Ansovinus, Bishop of Camerino |
Ansurio (Iscarus), Bishop of Orense, Spain |
Anthelm, Carthusian Bishop of Belley |
Anthimus of Rome, Priest and Martyr |
Antholin (Anatolianus) of Palmiers, Martyr |
Anthony Baldinucci, Jesuit Priest, Preacher of Missions |
Anthony Claret, Archbishop of Havana and Founder of the Claretians |
Anthony dei Vici, of Stroncone, Franciscan Lay Brother |
Anthony Fernandez, Jesuit Lay Brother |
Anthony Francisco, Jesuit Priest, Martyred in India |
Anthony Maria Pucci, Confessor |
Anthony Maria Zaccaria, Priest, Founder of the Barnabites |
Anthony Mary Gianelli, Bishop of Bobbio |
Anthony Neyrot, Dominican Priest, Martyr |
Anthony of Amandola, Augustinian Priest |
Anthony of Kiev, Co-Founder of Kiev’s Monastery of the Caves |
Anthony of Lerins, Hermit |
Anthony of Padua, Franciscan Priest |
Anthony the Great of Egypt, Abbot |
Anthony Turner, English Jesuit Priest, Martyr |
Anthony, Abbot of Siya, Novgorod |
Anthusa of Constantinople, Princess, Founding Abbess of the Omona Monastery |
Anthusa of Mantinea, Byzantine Abbess |
Antiochus of Anastasiopolis, Martyr |
Antipas, First Pishop of Pergamon, martyr mentioned in Revelation 2 |
Antoine Daniel, Jesuit Priest, One of the North American Martyrs |
Antonia of Florence, Poor Clare |
Antonia, Martyr |
Antonina of Nicaea, Martyr |
Antoninus, Archbishop of Milan |
Antoninus, Dominican Archbishop of Florence |
Antoninus, Dominican Archbishop of Florence |
Antonius, Martyr |
Aphraates (Pharhadh) Persian Sage, Bishop |
Aphrodise (Aphrodisius), First Bishop of Beziers, Martyr |
Apollinaris Syncletica of Egypt, Virgin |
Apollinaris, Bishop of Hierapolis |
Apollinaris, First Bishop of Ravenna and Martyr |
Apollonia of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr |
Apollonius of Alexandria, Priest, Martyr |
Apollonius the Apollogist, Roman Senator and Martyr |
Apotheme (Apothemius), Bishop of Angers |
Apphianus of Casearea, Martyr |
Apuleius of Rome, Martyr |
Aquila, Disciple of Paul, Martyr
Aquillina of Byblos, Virgin and Martyr
Aquillinus, Bishop of Evreux |
Arcacius, Bishop of Militene, Armenia |
Archangela Girlani of Mantua, Carmelite Mystic |
Archangelo Canetuli, Augustinian Canon, died as Archbishop-elect of Florence |
Aretas of Najran, Arabia, Martyr |
Arialdo da Carimate of Milan, Deacon and Martyr |
Arialdus, Deacon and Martyr |
Aristides of Athens, Apologist, Martyr |
Aristo of Alexandria, Priest, Martyr |
Ariston of Porto, Martyr |
Armel of Brittany, Abbot of Saint-Armel-des-Boscheaux and Plou-Remel Monasteries |
Armentarius, Bishop of Pavia |
Arminius, Martyred with his mother in Egypt |
Armogastes, Vandal Courtier, Martyr |
Arnold (Arnulph), Bishop of Soissons |
Arnold Janssen, Priest, Founder of the Divine Word Missionaries |
Arnulph, Bishop of Metz |
Arquimimus, Vandal Companion of Armogastes, Martyr |
Arsenius the Great, Roman Deacon, Imperial Tutor, Hermit in Egypt |
Artaldus, Bishop of Belley |
Artemas, Martyred in Puozzoli |
Artemis the Great, Martyr, Arian prefect of Egypt; persecuted St. Athanasius |
Artemius of Antioch,Soldier, Megalomartyr |
Arthemia, Martyr |
Asaph, Bishop of St. Asaph, Wales |
Asella of Rome, Virgin and Hermitess |
Aspren, First Bishop of Naples |
Aspretanus, Bishop of Naples |
Assicus (Asaco), Bishop of Elphin, Roscommon, Ireland |
Associatus, Martyr |
Associatus, Martyr |
Assunta Marchetti, foundress of the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo (Scalabrinian Sisters) |
Assunta Maria Pallotta, Nun, Missionary to China |
Asteria of Bergamo, Virgin and Martyr |
Asterius of Ostia, Martyr |
Asterius, Bishop of Petra, Arabia |
Athanasia, Martyr |
Athanasia, wife of Andronikos |
Athanasios of Athos, Monk, Founder of Mount Athos |
Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria and Father of the Church |
Athenodorus of Mesopotamia, Syrian Monk, Martyr |
Atilano Cruz Alvarado, Mexican Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Atilano, First Bishop of Zamora |
Attala, Alsatian Abbess |
Attalus, Second Abbot of Bobbio |
Atto, Bishop of Pistoia, Italy |
Attracta (Adracht) Killlaraght, Irish Abbess |
Aubin (Albinus), Bishop of Angers |
Audactus, Martyr |
Auditor, Confessor, Companion of St. Austremonius |
Audomarus (Omer), Bishop of Thérouanne |
Auguso Andres (Roman Martinez Fernandez), Christian Brother, Martyr of Turon |
Augusta of Rome, Empress and Martyr |
Augustin Caloca Cortes, Mexican Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Augustina Pietrantoni, Sister of Charity, Murdered at Santo Spirito Hospital, Rome |
Augustine Webster, Carthusian Prior of Axholme, Martyr |
Augustine, Archbishop of Canterbury |
Augustine, Bishop of Hippo and Father of the Church |
Augustus (Augustine) Tolton, African American Chicago Priest |
Augustus, Martyr |
Aurea (Oria) of San Millan, Spanish Anchoress |
Aurea of Cordoba, Virgin and Martyr |
Aurelia of Strasbourg, Virgin and Hermitess |
Aurelia, Virgin and Martyr |
Aurelius of Cordoba, Martyr |
Aurelius, Bishop of Carthage, Martyr |
Aurelius, Bishop of LePuy |
Aurelius, Martyr |
Aurora, Virgin and Martyr |
Austindus, Bishop of Auch |
Austreberta, Benedictine Abbess of Pavilly, Normandy |
Austregisil (Outrille), Bishop of Bourges |
Austremonius, Bishop and Martyr, Apostle to Auvergne |
Austrufle, Abbot of Fontenelle |
Autbert, Bishop of Avranches |
Auxentius of Bithynia, Syrian Hermit |
Aventor, Martyr, Patron of Turin |
Avertanus, Carmelite Lay Brother |
Avertinus of Troyes |
Avertinus of Vencay, English Gilbertine Hermit (friend of Thomas a Becket) |
Avitus, Bishop of Vienne |
Avitus, Martyr |
Aya, Matron, patroness of lawsuits |
Azarias, Martyr |
Azelia (Zelie) Guerin Martin, Mother of St. Therese of Lisieux |