Maanahem, relation of King Herod
Macarius of Antioch, Martyr
Macarius of Ghent,
Macarius of Kanev (of Ordez), Founder of the Church of the Dormition in Ordez
Macarius the Great (the Elder), Abbot of Skete, Egypt
Macarius, a Lybian martyred in Alexandria
Macarius, Martyr
Macarius, Patriarch of Jerusalem
Machar, Bishop of Aberdeen, Apostle of the Picts
Machutus, Welsh Bishop of Aleth (Maclou or Malo of Brittany)
Macra (Magra), Virgin martyred near Rheims
Macrina the Elder, Grandmother of Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, & Peter of Sebaste
Macrina the Younger, Church Mother, sister of Basil, Gregory of Nyssa, & Peter of Sebaste
Maddalena Caterina Morano, Salesian Nun
Madeleine Sophie Barat, Foundress of the Madames of the Sacred Heart
Magdalena Atridino
Magdalena of Nagasaki, third order Augustinian, Virgin and Martyr
Magdalene of Cannossa, Foundress of the Connossan Daughters of Charity
Magi - Balthazar, Gasper (aka Casper) and Melchior
Maginus of Tarragona, Hermit, Martyr, Apostle of Tarragona and its Patron Saint
Magloire, Bishop of Dol in Brittany
Magnus of Rome, Deacon and Martyr
Magnus, Bishop of Trani, Martyr
Magnus, Governor of the Orkneys and Martyr
Majolus (Mayeul), African Martyr
Majora, Martyr
Malachy O’More, Archbishop of Armagh and Cistercian
Malard (Malchard), Bishop of Chartres
Mamas of Caesarea, Martyr
Mamertus, Archbishop of Vienne
Mande (Manudez)
Manequilda of Chalons, Virgin
Manettus dell’ Antella, One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Manno (Manetus, Manasses) De Guzman, Dominican, older brother of St. Dominic
Mansuetus (Mansuy), First Bishop of Toul
Mansuetus, Archbishop of Milan
Manuel Gonzalez Garcia, Bishop of Palencia
Manuel Moralez, Mexican Layman, Husband and Father, Cristero Martyr
Manuel, Martyr
Marana of Berea, Syrian Ascetic Virgin
Marcelina Kotowicz Darowska, Co-foundress of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
Marcellian, Martyr
Marcellianus, Martyr
Marcellin Champagnat, Priest, Founder of the Marist Brothers
Marcellina of Trier, Virgin, Sister of St. Ambrose
Marcellinus of Rome, Priest and Martyr
Marcellinus, Bishop of Embrun
Marcellinus, Bishop of Puy-en-Velay
Marcellinus, Pope and Martyr
Marcellus I, Pope
Marcellus of Capua, Martyr
Marcellus of Rome, Martyr
Marcellus of Tangier, Soldier and Martyr
Marchelmus, Bishop
Marciana of Albi, Virgin
Marciana of Mauretania, Virgin and Martyr
Marcianus, First Bishop of Tortona, Martyr
Marcianus, Syrian Hermit
Marculf (Marcouf), Abbot of Nantes
Marek Krizin (Korosy of Krizevacanin), Croatian Priest, Martyred in Košice, Slovakia
Margaret (Marina) of Antioch, Virgin and Martyr
Margaret Ball, Mayoress of Dublin, Martyr
Margaret Clitherow, Lay Woman, Martyred in York
Margaret Mary Alacoque, Visionary Nun of the Visitation Order
Margaret of Cortona, Penitent, Franciscan Nun
Margaret of Hungary, Princess, Dominican Nun
Margaret Plantagenet Pole, Countess of Salisbury, Martyr
Margaret Sinclair (Mary Frances of the Five Wounds), Scottish Poor Clare
Margaret Ward, English Martyr
Margaret, Queen of Scotland
Marguerite Bourgeoys, Founders of the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame
Marguerite D’Youville, Widow, Foundress of the Grey Nuns, Canada’s First Saint
Maria (Paula) di Rosa, Superior of the Handmaids of Charity
Maria Angela (Sophia Camille) Truszkowska, Foundress of the Felician Sisters
Maria Anna Sala, a Sister of St. Marcellina, died of throat cancer
Maria Antonia Bandres Elosigui, Daughter of Jesus
Maria Assunta Pallotta, Franciscan of Mary, Missionary to China
Maria Bertilla Boscardin, Nursing Nun, Member of the Teachers of St. Dorothy
Maria De La Cabeza, Wife of St. Isidore the Farmer
Maria De La Yglesia Varo, Spanish Piarist Nun, Educator, Martyr
Maria Di Mattias, Foundress of the Adorers of the Precious Blood
Maria Gabriella Sagheddu, Italian Trappistine Nun
Maria Goretti, Martyr
Maria Josefa (Benedetta) Rossello, Foundress of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy
Maria Josefa of the Heart of Jesus, Sancho de Guerra, First Basque Saint
Maria Lopez de Rivas Martinez, Spanish Discalced Carmelite Nun
Maria Maravillas de Jesus, Discalced Carmelite Nun
Maria of the Angels (Maria Fontanella), Carmelite Nun
Maria Rosa Flesch
Maria Sagrario de San Luis Gonzaga, Spanish Carmelite Prioress, Martyr
Maria Teresa Scrilli, foundress of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Maria Terese Fasce of Cascia (Marietta), Augustinian Nun
Maria Teresia Ledóchowska, Foundress of the Sodality of St. Peter Claver for the African Missions and the Liberation of Slaves
Maria Vicenta de Santa Dorotea Chavez Orozco, Mexican Foundress of the Servants of the Holy Trinity and the Poor
Mariam of Jesus Crucified Bouardy, Carmelite Mystic
Marian (Marianus), Lector, Martyr of Numidia, Companion of St. James
Mariano de Jesus Euse Hoyos, Columbian Diocesan Priest
Marianus, Bishop of Syracuse
Marie Anne (Esther) Blandin, Canadian, Foundess of the Sisters of St. Anne
Marie Celine (Jeanne-Germaine) Chastang, Poor Clare Nun
Marie d’Oignies of Nivelles, Beguine
Marie Joseph Cassant, Trappist Priest
Marie Leonie (Alodie) Paradis, Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family (Canada)
Marie of the Incarnation (Barbara Acarie) Brought the Discalced Carmelites to France
Marie Rivier, Foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation
Marie-Anne Piedcourt, “Sister of Jesus Crucified”, eldest of the Martyred Carmelites of Compiegne
Marie-Eugenie de Jesus Milleret de Brou, Foundress of the Religious of the Assumption
Marie-Euphrasie Pelletier, Foundress of the Institute of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
Marina of Omura, Japanese Dominican Tertiary, Martyr
Marino, Confessor
Marino, Deacon and Stone-carver, Patron of San Marino
Marinus of Rome, Martyr
Marinus, Hermit, Patron of San Marino
Marinus, Martyr
Mark the Evangelist
Mark Fantucci, Franciscan Vicar General
Mark the Gravedigger, Monk of the Great Lavra of the Caves in Kiev
Mark, Martyr
Mark, Martyr
Mark, Pope
Marolas, Bishop of Milan, Martyr
Maron, Syrian Monk, Founder of the Maronites
Marquard, Bishop of Hildesheim, Martyr
Marta Anna Wiecka, Polish Vincentian Sister
Martha of Bethany (vestibule of the large church and under her painting)
Martha of Persia, Virgin and Martyr
Martial, First Bishop of Limogues
Martianus, Bishop of Benevento
Martin de Porres, Dominican Lay Brother
Martin I, Pope
Martin of Vertou, Abbot
Martin, Bishop of Braga
Martin, Bishop of Tours
Martin, Bishop of Vienne
Martina of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
Martinian of Caesarea, Palestinian Hermit, died in Athens
Martyred Benedictine Monks of El Pueyo
Martyrs of the Armenian Holocaust of 1915
Martyrs of Agde, diocese of Montpellier, France
Martyrs of Antioch
    Alphaeus, Lecton and Exorcist
    Romanus, Deacon
     Zacchaeus, Deacon
Martyred in Asia
    Agatha Lim – China
    Andrew Kim – Korea
    Augustine Schoeffler – Viet Nam
    Etienne Cuenot – Viet Nam
    Gabriel Dufresse – China
    Jacques Chastain – Korea
    Jean Louis Bonnard – Korea
    Just de Bretenieres – Korea
    Pierre Maubert – Korea
    Theophane Venard – China
Martyred Family from Attala, Asia Minor
    Hesperus (father)
    Zoe (mother)
    Cyriacus (son)
    Theodulus (son)
Martyrs of Campania
Martyrs of Carthage
Martyrs of Chalcadon
Martyrs of Crete
Martyrs of Cuncolim, India, July 15, 1583
    Rudolph (Rodolfo) Aquaviva, Jesuit Missionary Priest
    Alphonsus (Alfonso) Pacheco
    Anthony Francis
    Francis Aranha
    Peter Berno
Martyrs from Egypt
3 Carmelite Martyrs of Guadalajara
    Maria Angeles of St. Joseph
    Maria Pilar of St. Francis Borgia
    Teresa of the Infant Jesus
Martyrs of Gorkum
    Adrianus van Hilvarenbeek
    Andreas Wouters
    Antonius van Hoornaar
    Antonius van Weert
    Cornelius van Wijk
    Franciscus de Roye
    Godfried van Duynen
    Godfried van Melveren
    Hieronymus van Weert
    Jacobus Lacops
    Johannes Lenaerts
    Johannes of Cologne (van Hoornaer)
    Leonardus van Veghel
    Nicasius Janssen van Heeze
    Nicolaas Pieck
    Nicolaas Poppel
    Petrus van Assche
    Theodorus van der Eem
    Willehad of Denmark
Martyrs of Granada
    Caecilius, First Bishop and Martyr
Martyrs of Motril – parish priest and 7 Augustinian Recollets:
    Manuel Martiun Serra
    Julian Benigno Moreno, O.A.R.
    Deogracias Palacios, O.A.R.
    Jose Ricardo Diaz, O.A.R.
    Vincente Soler, O.A.R.
    Jose Rada, O.A.R.
    Leon Inchausti, O.A.R.
    Vicente Pinilla, O.A.R.
Martyr of Trier
Martyrs,10,000 of Persia
Martyrs of Nowogrodek, Poland, sisters (11 Holy Family of Nazareth Sisters)
    Adela Mardosewicz (M. Stella) Superior, age 54
    Anna Kokolowicz (M. Rajmunda) age 50
    Eleonora Aniela Jozwik (M. Daniela) age 48
    Eugenia Mackiewicz (M. Kanizja) age 39
    Helena Cierpka (M. Gwidona) age 43
    Jadwiga Karolina Zak (M. Imelda) age 50
    Jozefa Chrobot (M. Kanuta) age 47
    Leokadia Matuszewska (M. Heliodora) age 37
    Paulina Borowik (M. Felicyta) age 37
    Weronika Narmontowicz (M. Boromea) age 26
     Julia Rapiej (M. Sergia) age 42
Martyrs of Otranto
Martyrs of the 1871 Paris Commune
    Archbishop Georges Darboy of Paris
    Abbe’ Becourt
    Father Brouard
    Father Caubert
    Father Clerc
    Abbe’ Deguerry, Pastor of La Madeleine
    Father De Benguy
    Father Ducoudray, part of his cassock worn in prison, April & May, 1871
    Abbe’ Houillon
    Father Neomede
    Abbe’ Olivaint
    Father Planchat
    Father Radigue
    Father Rouchouse
    Abbe’ Sabatier
    Abbe’ Seigneuret
    Father Tardieu
    Father Tufier
Martyrs of the Paris Commune – 5 Jesuit Priests
    A. Clerc
    A. De Bengny
    J. Caubert
    L .Ducoudray
    Pierre Olivaint
Martyrs of Pratulin (13) Wincenty Lewoniuk and his Companions
Scillitan Martyrs
Forty Martyrs of Sebaste
Martyrs of Segovia
Martyrs of Shanxi, China, sisters (7 Franciscan Missionaries of Mary)
    Anna Dierk (Maria Adolphina)
    Anne Moreau (Marie of Saint-Just)
    Clelia Nanetti (Maria Clara)
    Irma Grivot (Marie Ermellina of Jesus)
    Jeanne-Marie Kuergin (Marie of Sainte-Nathalie)
    Marianna Giulianni (Maria of Peace)
    Pauline Jeuris (Marie Amandine)
Martyrs of Spoleto
Martyrs of Talavera
Martyrs of Thailand
    Agatha Phutta, unmarried woman, helper in the kitchen
    Agnes Phila, nun, a member of the Congregation of the Lovers of the Cross
    Bibiana Khamphai, age fifteen
    Cecilia Butsi, age sixteen
    Lucia Khambang, nun, a member of the same congregation
    Maria Phon, age fourteen
    Philip Siphong, “the man of oak”, lay religious leader of Songkhon
Martyrs of Thessalonika
Martyrs of Tripoli
Martyrs of Vietnam
    Peter DuMoulin Borie, French Bishop
    Augustin Schoeffer, French Priest
    Martin Ta Du Thih, Priest
    Francois Jaccard, French Priest
    John Gabriel Perboyre, French Priest
    Peter Le Tuy, Priest
    Peter Nguyen Dich Laic, Priest
    Peter Truong Van Duong, Catechist
   Jean Charles Cornay, French Priest*
   Jean Louis Bonnard, Frech Priest
Martyrs of Vietnam
    Valentine Berriochoa, O.P., Basque Bishop
    Francis Gil de Federich, O.P., Catalonian Priest
    Jacinto Castaneda, O.P., Spanish Priest
    Jerome Hermosilla, Spanish Bishop
    Joseph Canh Luang Hoang
    Joseph Khang, physician
    Joseph Vien Dinh Dang
    Matthew Alonzo Leziniona, O.P., Spanish Priest
    Peter Almato’ i. Ribera, O.P., Catalonian Priest
    Thomas De Van Nguyen
    Vicente Liem de la Paz
Martyrs of Vietnam
     Father Francois-Isidore Gagelin
     Matthew Gam Van Le
     Peter Duone Van Truong
    Andrew Dung-Lac An Tran
    Father Jean Charles Cornay*
    John Baptist Con
    Joseph Uyen Dinh Nguyen
    Luke Loan Ba Vu
    Martin Thinh Duc Ta
    Peter Thi Van Truong Phan
    Pierre Dumoulin-Borie
    Simon Hoa Dac Phan
Maruthas, Bishop of Maiperkat (Tagrit), Mesopotamia
Mary of Bethany
Mary Catherine Kasper
Mary of Cleophas
Mary of the Divine Heart (Maria Droste zu Vischering) Sister of the Good Shepherd
Mary of Edessa, Syria, Harlot, Penitent
Mary of Egypt, Penitent
MARY Frances of the five Wounds of Jesus (Anna Maria Gallo), Franciscan Stigmatic, Mystic
Mary Theresa (Josephine) Dudzik, Foundress of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago
Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad, Foundress, Returned the Brigittines to Sweden
Mary Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles
Mary Magdalene dei Pazzi, Carmelite Mystic
Mary Magdalene (Julia Frances Catherine) Postel, Foundress of the Daughters of Mercy
Massabki Brothers, 3 Maronite Martyrs
Massabki Brothers, 3 Maronite Martyrs
Massabki Brothers, 3 Maronite Martyrs
Mary Mazzarello, Foundress of the Salesian Sisters
Mary Salome
Mateo Correa Magallanes, Priest, Cristero Martyr
Matilda, Queen of Germany
Matrona of Moscow
Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
Matthew Talbot, Patron of Alcoholics
Matthia De Nazzarei, Poor Clare Abbess
Matthias the Apostle
Matthias Molumba, Ugandan Martyr
Matthias, Patriarch of Jerusalem
Maternus, Bishop of Cologne
Maternus, Bishop of Milan
Maudentius (Maudez), Irish Abbot
Maughold (Macaldus), Former Pirate, Bishop, Patron of the Isle of Man
Maura of Ireland, Martyr
Maura of Troyes, Virgin and Martyr
Maura, Scottish Princess, martyred in Picardy with her sister Brigid (Britta)
Maurice, Solider and Martyr
Maurus, Bishop of Casana
Maurus, Benedictine Abbot of Subiaco
Maxima, Martyr
Maxima, Virgin and Martyr
Maximianus, Bishop of Bagai, North Africa
Maximianus, Archbishop of Ravenna
Maximianus, Bishop of Syracuse
Maximilia, Martyr
Maximilian (Raymond) Kolbe, Conventual Franciscan Priest, Martyred in Auschwicz
Maximilian of Tebessa, Martyr, Numidian Soldier, Conscientious Objector
Maximus of Cuma, Martyr
Maximus the Confessor (Homologetes), Abbot and Father of the Church
Maximus, Patriarch of Jerusalem
Maximus, Bishop of Mainz
Maximus, 4th Bishop of Nola
Maximus, Bishop of Turin
Mayeul, Abbot of Cluny
Mechtilde (Matilda) of Hackeborn, Benedictine Nun of Helfta convent, Mystic
Medard, Bishop of Noyon and Tournai
Mederic (Merry) Abbot
Méen, (Mevennus), Welsh Abbot, who founded the St. Méen Abbey in Brittany
Meinrad of Einsiedeln, Swiss Hermit
Melanius (Melaine), Bishop of Rennes
Melaine (Melanius), Bishop of Vannes, Brittany
Melania the Younger
Melanippus, Martyr
Melanius, Bishop
Melas (Melantius), Bishop of Rhinolura
Melchior, one of the Three Magi
Melchior Grodecz (Grodziecky), Czech Jesuit Priest, martyred in Košice, Slovakia
Meletius, Patriarch of Antioch
Melito, Bishop of Sardis, Father of the Church
Menas, Patriarch of Constantinople
Menas of Egypt, Great Martyr
Menehould, Virgin
Mercurial, Bishop of Forli
Mercurius of Cappadocia, Soldier, the Great Martyr
Meritus of Mauretania, Soldier and Martyr
Mederic (Merry), Monk and Hermit
Mesrop Mashtotz, Armenian Monk, Creator of the Armenian Alphabet
Methodius, Bishop, Brother of Cyril, Missionary to the Slavs
Methodius of Olympus, Bishop, Church Father, Martyr
Metron of Verona, Priest
Metrophanes of Byzantium, First Patriarch of Constantinople
Michael the Archangel (stones from the grotto of apparitions at Monte Sant’ Angelo, Italy)
Michal Tomaszek, Conventual Franciscan Priest, Martyr
Michael of Klopov, Russian Fool for Christ
Michael Rua, Salesian Priest, dear friend of St. John Bosco
Michael de Sanctis, Trinitarian Priest and Ecstatic
Michael Syncelle, Monk at St. Sabas, Jerusalem
Michael Joseph McGivney, American Priest, Founder of the Knights of Columbus
M. Michaela Desmaisieres y Lopez de Dicastillo, Foundress of the Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament
Mikhail Yaroslavich, Prince of Tver, Martyr
Miguel Augustin Pro, Mexican Jesuit Martyr
Miguel De La Mora, Mexican Priest, Cristero Martyr
Miguel Febres Cordero, Ecuadoran Christian Brother
Miguel Gomez Loza, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr
Milburga, Abbess of Wenlock, sister of St. Mildred
Mildred, Benedictine Abbess of Minster-at-Thanet, Sister of St. Milburga
Miltiades (Melchiades), Pope and Martyr
Minias (Miniato) of Florence, Soldier, Martyr
Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, American Reuthenian Sister of Charity
Mirocles, First Archbishop of Milan
Miropa of Chios, Martyr
Mobilia, Martyr
Moderan (Moran), Bishop of Rennes, Brittany
Modestinus, Martyr
Modestus, Bishop of Trier
Modestus, Martyr
Molaise (Laserian), Irish Abbot of Leighlin, Co. Carlow
Moloc, Moluag, Lua of Lismore, Irish Abbot in Scotland
Monica, Widow and Mother of St. Augustine of Hippo
Moninne, Abbess of Killeavy, Ireland
Monon of Nassogne, Irish Hermit in Belgium, Martyr
Morandus, Benedictine Monk of Cluny
Morwenna of Cornwall, Hermitess
Moses the Ethiopian, Priest, Desert Father
Mummolus of Burdeos. Martyr
Mummolus of Noyon
Mustiola of Chiusi, Martyr
Mutien-Marie (Mucian Maria) Wiaux, Belgian Brother of Christian Schools
Mychal Judge, Franciscan Fire Chaplain, first registered victim of 9/11, “Saint of 9/11”
Myron (Miron), Bishop of Cyzicus, Martyr