Maanahem, relation of King Herod |
Macarius of Antioch, Martyr |
Macarius of Ghent, |
Macarius of Kanev (of Ordez), Founder of the Church of the Dormition in Ordez |
Macarius the Great (the Elder), Abbot of Skete, Egypt |
Macarius, a Lybian martyred in Alexandria |
Macarius, Martyr |
Macarius, Patriarch of Jerusalem |
Machar, Bishop of Aberdeen, Apostle of the Picts |
Machutus, Welsh Bishop of Aleth (Maclou or Malo of Brittany) |
Macra (Magra), Virgin martyred near Rheims |
Macrina the Elder, Grandmother of Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, & Peter of Sebaste |
Macrina the Younger, Church Mother, sister of Basil, Gregory of Nyssa, & Peter of Sebaste |
Maddalena Caterina Morano, Salesian Nun |
Madeleine Sophie Barat, Foundress of the Madames of the Sacred Heart |
Magdalena Atridino |
Magdalena of Nagasaki, third order Augustinian, Virgin and Martyr |
Magdalene of Cannossa, Foundress of the Connossan Daughters of Charity |
Magi - Balthazar, Gasper (aka Casper) and Melchior |
Maginus of Tarragona, Hermit, Martyr, Apostle of Tarragona and its Patron Saint |
Magloire, Bishop of Dol in Brittany |
Magnus of Rome, Deacon and Martyr |
Magnus, Bishop of Trani, Martyr |
Magnus, Governor of the Orkneys and Martyr |
Majolus (Mayeul), African Martyr |
Majora, Martyr |
Malachy O’More, Archbishop of Armagh and Cistercian |
Malard (Malchard), Bishop of Chartres |
Mamas of Caesarea, Martyr |
Mamertus, Archbishop of Vienne |
Mande (Manudez) |
Manequilda of Chalons, Virgin |
Manettus dell’ Antella, One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order |
Manno (Manetus, Manasses) De Guzman, Dominican, older brother of St. Dominic |
Mansuetus (Mansuy), First Bishop of Toul |
Mansuetus, Archbishop of Milan |
Manuel Gonzalez Garcia, Bishop of Palencia |
Manuel Moralez, Mexican Layman, Husband and Father, Cristero Martyr |
Manuel, Martyr |
Marana of Berea, Syrian Ascetic Virgin |
Marcelina Kotowicz Darowska, Co-foundress of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception |
Marcellian, Martyr |
Marcellianus, Martyr |
Marcellin Champagnat, Priest, Founder of the Marist Brothers |
Marcellina of Trier, Virgin, Sister of St. Ambrose |
Marcellinus |
Marcellinus of Rome, Priest and Martyr |
Marcellinus, Bishop of Embrun |
Marcellinus, Bishop of Puy-en-Velay |
Marcellinus, Pope and Martyr |
Marcellus I, Pope |
Marcellus of Capua, Martyr |
Marcellus of Rome, Martyr |
Marcellus of Tangier, Soldier and Martyr |
Marchelmus, Bishop |
Marciana of Albi, Virgin |
Marciana of Mauretania, Virgin and Martyr |
Marcianus, First Bishop of Tortona, Martyr |
Marcianus, Syrian Hermit |
Marculf (Marcouf), Abbot of Nantes |
Marek Krizin (Korosy of Krizevacanin), Croatian Priest, Martyred in Košice, Slovakia |
Margaret |
Margaret (Marina) of Antioch, Virgin and Martyr |
Margaret Ball, Mayoress of Dublin, Martyr |
Margaret Clitherow, Lay Woman, Martyred in York |
Margaret Mary Alacoque, Visionary Nun of the Visitation Order |
Margaret of Cortona, Penitent, Franciscan Nun |
Margaret of Hungary, Princess, Dominican Nun |
Margaret Plantagenet Pole, Countess of Salisbury, Martyr |
Margaret Sinclair (Mary Frances of the Five Wounds), Scottish Poor Clare |
Margaret Ward, English Martyr |
Margaret, Queen of Scotland |
Marguerite Bourgeoys, Founders of the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame |
Marguerite D’Youville, Widow, Foundress of the Grey Nuns, Canada’s First Saint |
Maria (Paula) di Rosa, Superior of the Handmaids of Charity |
Maria Angela (Sophia Camille) Truszkowska, Foundress of the Felician Sisters |
Maria Anna Sala, a Sister of St. Marcellina, died of throat cancer |
Maria Antonia Bandres Elosigui, Daughter of Jesus |
Maria Assunta Pallotta, Franciscan of Mary, Missionary to China |
Maria Bertilla Boscardin, Nursing Nun, Member of the Teachers of St. Dorothy |
Maria De La Cabeza, Wife of St. Isidore the Farmer |
Maria De La Yglesia Varo, Spanish Piarist Nun, Educator, Martyr |
Maria Di Mattias, Foundress of the Adorers of the Precious Blood |
Maria Gabriella Sagheddu, Italian Trappistine Nun |
Maria Goretti, Martyr |
Maria Josefa (Benedetta) Rossello, Foundress of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy |
Maria Josefa of the Heart of Jesus, Sancho de Guerra, First Basque Saint |
Maria Lopez de Rivas Martinez, Spanish Discalced Carmelite Nun |
Maria Maravillas de Jesus, Discalced Carmelite Nun |
Maria of the Angels (Maria Fontanella), Carmelite Nun |
Maria Rosa Flesch |
Maria Sagrario de San Luis Gonzaga, Spanish Carmelite Prioress, Martyr |
Maria Teresa Scrilli, foundress of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel |
Maria Terese Fasce of Cascia (Marietta), Augustinian Nun |
Maria Teresia Ledóchowska, Foundress of the Sodality of St. Peter Claver for the African Missions and the Liberation of Slaves |
Maria Vicenta de Santa Dorotea Chavez Orozco, Mexican Foundress of the Servants of the Holy Trinity and the Poor |
Mariam of Jesus Crucified Bouardy, Carmelite Mystic |
Marian (Marianus), Lector, Martyr of Numidia, Companion of St. James |
Mariano de Jesus Euse Hoyos, Columbian Diocesan Priest |
Marianus, Bishop of Syracuse |
Marie Anne (Esther) Blandin, Canadian, Foundess of the Sisters of St. Anne |
Marie Celine (Jeanne-Germaine) Chastang, Poor Clare Nun |
Marie d’Oignies of Nivelles, Beguine |
Marie Joseph Cassant, Trappist Priest |
Marie Leonie (Alodie) Paradis, Foundress of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family (Canada) |
Marie of the Incarnation (Barbara Acarie) Brought the Discalced Carmelites to France |
Marie Rivier, Foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation |
Marie-Anne Piedcourt, “Sister of Jesus Crucified”, eldest of the Martyred Carmelites of Compiegne |
Marie-Eugenie de Jesus Milleret de Brou, Foundress of the Religious of the Assumption |
Marie-Euphrasie Pelletier, Foundress of the Institute of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd |
Marina of Omura, Japanese Dominican Tertiary, Martyr |
Marino, Confessor |
Marino, Deacon and Stone-carver, Patron of San Marino |
Marinus of Rome, Martyr |
Marinus, Hermit, Patron of San Marino |
Marinus, Martyr |
Mark the Evangelist |
Mark Fantucci, Franciscan Vicar General |
Mark the Gravedigger, Monk of the Great Lavra of the Caves in Kiev |
Mark, Martyr |
Mark, Martyr |
Mark, Pope |
Marolas, Bishop of Milan, Martyr |
Maron, Syrian Monk, Founder of the Maronites |
Marquard, Bishop of Hildesheim, Martyr |
Marta Anna Wiecka, Polish Vincentian Sister |
Martha of Bethany (vestibule of the large church and under her painting) |
Martha of Persia, Virgin and Martyr |
Martial, First Bishop of Limogues |
Martianus, Bishop of Benevento |
Martin de Porres, Dominican Lay Brother |
Martin I, Pope |
Martin of Vertou, Abbot |
Martin, Bishop of Braga |
Martin, Bishop of Tours |
Martin, Bishop of Vienne |
Martina of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Martinian of Caesarea, Palestinian Hermit, died in Athens |
Martyred Benedictine Monks of El Pueyo |
Martyrs of the Armenian Holocaust of 1915 |
Martyrs of Agde, diocese of Montpellier, France |
Tiberius |
Modestus |
Florentia |
Martyrs of Antioch |
Alphaeus, Lecton and Exorcist |
Barulas |
Romanus, Deacon |
Zacchaeus, Deacon |
Martyred in Asia |
Agatha Lim – China |
Andrew Kim – Korea |
Augustine Schoeffler – Viet Nam |
Etienne Cuenot – Viet Nam |
Gabriel Dufresse – China |
Jacques Chastain – Korea |
Jean Louis Bonnard – Korea |
Just de Bretenieres – Korea |
Pierre Maubert – Korea |
Theophane Venard – China |
Martyred Family from Attala, Asia Minor |
Hesperus (father) |
Zoe (mother) |
Cyriacus (son) |
Theodulus (son) |
Martyrs of Campania |
Ariston |
Crescencianus |
Felicissimus |
Felix |
Martyrs of Carthage |
Flavianus |
Julianus |
Lucius |
Montanus |
Victoricus |
Martyrs of Chalcadon |
Manuel |
Sabel |
Ismail |
Martyrs of Crete |
Agatopus |
Basilides |
Cleomenes |
Eunicianus |
Euporus |
Evaristus |
Gelasius |
Saturninus |
Theodulus |
Zoticus |
Martyrs of Cuncolim, India, July 15, 1583 |
Rudolph (Rodolfo) Aquaviva, Jesuit Missionary Priest |
Alphonsus (Alfonso) Pacheco |
Anthony Francis |
Francis Aranha |
Peter Berno |
Martyrs from Egypt |
Ateus |
Dioscoros |
Heron |
Isidore |
3 Carmelite Martyrs of Guadalajara |
Maria Angeles of St. Joseph |
Maria Pilar of St. Francis Borgia |
Teresa of the Infant Jesus |
Martyrs of Gorkum |
Adrianus van Hilvarenbeek |
Andreas Wouters |
Antonius van Hoornaar |
Antonius van Weert |
Cornelius van Wijk |
Franciscus de Roye |
Godfried van Duynen |
Godfried van Melveren |
Hieronymus van Weert |
Jacobus Lacops |
Johannes Lenaerts |
Johannes of Cologne (van Hoornaer) |
Leonardus van Veghel |
Nicasius Janssen van Heeze |
Nicolaas Pieck |
Nicolaas Poppel |
Petrus van Assche |
Theodorus van der Eem |
Willehad of Denmark |
Martyrs of Granada |
Caecilius, First Bishop and Martyr |
Patricius |
Septentrius |
Martyrs of Motril – parish priest and 7 Augustinian Recollets: |
Manuel Martiun Serra |
Julian Benigno Moreno, O.A.R. |
Deogracias Palacios, O.A.R. |
Jose Ricardo Diaz, O.A.R. |
Vincente Soler, O.A.R. |
Jose Rada, O.A.R. |
Leon Inchausti, O.A.R. |
Vicente Pinilla, O.A.R. |
Martyr of Trier |
Martyrs,10,000 of Persia |
Martyrs of Nowogrodek, Poland, sisters (11 Holy Family of Nazareth Sisters) |
Adela Mardosewicz (M. Stella) Superior, age 54 |
Anna Kokolowicz (M. Rajmunda) age 50 |
Eleonora Aniela Jozwik (M. Daniela) age 48 |
Eugenia Mackiewicz (M. Kanizja) age 39 |
Helena Cierpka (M. Gwidona) age 43 |
Jadwiga Karolina Zak (M. Imelda) age 50 |
Jozefa Chrobot (M. Kanuta) age 47 |
Leokadia Matuszewska (M. Heliodora) age 37 |
Paulina Borowik (M. Felicyta) age 37 |
Weronika Narmontowicz (M. Boromea) age 26 |
Julia Rapiej (M. Sergia) age 42 |
Martyrs of Otranto |
Martyrs of the 1871 Paris Commune |
Archbishop Georges Darboy of Paris |
Abbe’ Becourt |
Father Brouard |
Father Caubert |
Father Clerc |
Abbe’ Deguerry, Pastor of La Madeleine |
Father De Benguy |
Father Ducoudray, part of his cassock worn in prison, April & May, 1871 |
Abbe’ Houillon |
Father Neomede |
Abbe’ Olivaint |
Father Planchat |
Father Radigue |
Father Rouchouse |
Abbe’ Sabatier |
Abbe’ Seigneuret |
Father Tardieu |
Father Tufier |
Martyrs of the Paris Commune – 5 Jesuit Priests |
A. Clerc |
A. De Bengny |
J. Caubert |
L .Ducoudray |
Pierre Olivaint |
Martyrs of Pratulin (13) Wincenty Lewoniuk and his Companions |
Scillitan Martyrs |
Forty Martyrs of Sebaste |
Acacius |
Aetius |
Aglaius |
Alexander |
Angius |
Athanasius |
Candidus |
Chudion |
Claudius |
Cyril |
Cyrion |
Dometian |
Domnus |
Ecditius |
Elias |
Eunooicus |
Eutyches |
Eutychius |
Flavius |
Gaius |
Gorgonius |
Helianus |
Heraclius |
Hesychius |
John |
Lysimachus |
Meliton |
Nicholas |
Philoctimon |
Priscus |
Sacerdon |
Severian |
Sisinius |
Smaragdus |
Theodulus |
Theophilus |
Valens |
Valerius |
Vivianus |
Xantheas |
Martyrs of Segovia |
Engracia |
Fructos |
Valentine |
Martyrs of Shanxi, China, sisters (7 Franciscan Missionaries of Mary) |
Anna Dierk (Maria Adolphina) |
Anne Moreau (Marie of Saint-Just) |
Clelia Nanetti (Maria Clara) |
Irma Grivot (Marie Ermellina of Jesus) |
Jeanne-Marie Kuergin (Marie of Sainte-Nathalie) |
Marianna Giulianni (Maria of Peace) |
Pauline Jeuris (Marie Amandine) |
Martyrs of Spoleto |
Martyrs of Talavera |
Christeta |
Sabina |
Vincent |
Martyrs of Thailand |
Agatha Phutta, unmarried woman, helper in the kitchen |
Agnes Phila, nun, a member of the Congregation of the Lovers of the Cross |
Bibiana Khamphai, age fifteen |
Cecilia Butsi, age sixteen |
Lucia Khambang, nun, a member of the same congregation |
Maria Phon, age fourteen |
Philip Siphong, “the man of oak”, lay religious leader of Songkhon |
Martyrs of Thessalonika |
Agape |
Anysia |
Aristarchus |
Matrona |
Martyrs of Tripoli |
Hypatius |
Leontius |
Publius |
Theodulus |
Martyrs of Vietnam |
Peter DuMoulin Borie, French Bishop |
Augustin Schoeffer, French Priest |
Martin Ta Du Thih, Priest |
Francois Jaccard, French Priest |
John Gabriel Perboyre, French Priest |
Peter Le Tuy, Priest |
Peter Nguyen Dich Laic, Priest |
Peter Truong Van Duong, Catechist |
Jean Charles Cornay, French Priest* |
Jean Louis Bonnard, Frech Priest |
Martyrs of Vietnam |
Valentine Berriochoa, O.P., Basque Bishop |
Dom |
Francis Gil de Federich, O.P., Catalonian Priest |
Jacinto Castaneda, O.P., Spanish Priest |
Jerome Hermosilla, Spanish Bishop |
Joseph Canh Luang Hoang |
Joseph Khang, physician |
Joseph Vien Dinh Dang |
Matthew Alonzo Leziniona, O.P., Spanish Priest |
Peter Almato’ i. Ribera, O.P., Catalonian Priest |
Thomas De Van Nguyen |
Vicente Liem de la Paz |
Martyrs of Vietnam |
Father Francois-Isidore Gagelin |
Matthew Gam Van Le |
Peter Duone Van Truong |
Andrew Dung-Lac An Tran |
Father Jean Charles Cornay* |
John Baptist Con |
Joseph Uyen Dinh Nguyen |
Luke Loan Ba Vu |
Martin Thinh Duc Ta |
Peter Thi Van Truong Phan |
Pierre Dumoulin-Borie |
Simon Hoa Dac Phan |
Maruthas, Bishop of Maiperkat (Tagrit), Mesopotamia |
Mary of Bethany |
Mary Catherine Kasper |
Mary of Cleophas |
Mary of the Divine Heart (Maria Droste zu Vischering) Sister of the Good Shepherd |
Mary of Edessa, Syria, Harlot, Penitent |
Mary of Egypt, Penitent |
MARY Frances of the five Wounds of Jesus (Anna Maria Gallo), Franciscan Stigmatic, Mystic |
Mary Theresa (Josephine) Dudzik, Foundress of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago |
Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad, Foundress, Returned the Brigittines to Sweden |
Mary Magdalene, Apostle to the Apostles |
Mary Magdalene dei Pazzi, Carmelite Mystic |
Mary Magdalene (Julia Frances Catherine) Postel, Foundress of the Daughters of Mercy |
Massabki Brothers, 3 Maronite Martyrs |
Massabki Brothers, 3 Maronite Martyrs |
Massabki Brothers, 3 Maronite Martyrs |
Mary Mazzarello, Foundress of the Salesian Sisters |
Mary Salome |
Mateo Correa Magallanes, Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Matilda, Queen of Germany |
Matrona of Moscow |
Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist |
Matthew Talbot, Patron of Alcoholics |
Matthia De Nazzarei, Poor Clare Abbess |
Matthias the Apostle |
Matthias Molumba, Ugandan Martyr |
Matthias, Patriarch of Jerusalem |
Maternus, Bishop of Cologne |
Maternus, Bishop of Milan |
Maudentius (Maudez), Irish Abbot |
Maughold (Macaldus), Former Pirate, Bishop, Patron of the Isle of Man |
Maura of Ireland, Martyr |
Maura of Troyes, Virgin and Martyr |
Maura, Scottish Princess, martyred in Picardy with her sister Brigid (Britta) |
Maurice, Solider and Martyr |
Maurus |
Maurus, Bishop of Casana |
Maurus, Benedictine Abbot of Subiaco |
Maxima, Martyr |
Maxima, Virgin and Martyr |
Maximianus, Bishop of Bagai, North Africa |
Maximianus, Archbishop of Ravenna |
Maximianus, Bishop of Syracuse |
Maximilia, Martyr |
Maximilian (Raymond) Kolbe, Conventual Franciscan Priest, Martyred in Auschwicz |
Maximilian of Tebessa, Martyr, Numidian Soldier, Conscientious Objector |
Maximus |
Maximus of Cuma, Martyr |
Maximus the Confessor (Homologetes), Abbot and Father of the Church |
Maximus, Patriarch of Jerusalem |
Maximus, Bishop of Mainz |
Maximus, 4th Bishop of Nola |
Maximus, Bishop of Turin |
Mayeul, Abbot of Cluny |
Mechtilde (Matilda) of Hackeborn, Benedictine Nun of Helfta convent, Mystic |
Medard, Bishop of Noyon and Tournai |
Mederic (Merry) Abbot |
Méen, (Mevennus), Welsh Abbot, who founded the St. Méen Abbey in Brittany |
Meinrad of Einsiedeln, Swiss Hermit |
Melanius (Melaine), Bishop of Rennes |
Melaine (Melanius), Bishop of Vannes, Brittany |
Melania the Younger |
Melanippus, Martyr |
Melanius, Bishop |
Melas (Melantius), Bishop of Rhinolura |
Melchior, one of the Three Magi |
Melchior Grodecz (Grodziecky), Czech Jesuit Priest, martyred in Košice, Slovakia |
Meletius, Patriarch of Antioch |
Melito, Bishop of Sardis, Father of the Church |
Menas, Patriarch of Constantinople |
Menas of Egypt, Great Martyr |
Menehould, Virgin |
Mercurial, Bishop of Forli |
Mercurius of Cappadocia, Soldier, the Great Martyr |
Meritus of Mauretania, Soldier and Martyr |
Mederic (Merry), Monk and Hermit |
Mesrop Mashtotz, Armenian Monk, Creator of the Armenian Alphabet |
Methodius, Bishop, Brother of Cyril, Missionary to the Slavs |
Methodius of Olympus, Bishop, Church Father, Martyr |
Metron of Verona, Priest |
Metrophanes of Byzantium, First Patriarch of Constantinople |
Michael the Archangel (stones from the grotto of apparitions at Monte Sant’ Angelo, Italy) |
Michal Tomaszek, Conventual Franciscan Priest, Martyr |
Michael of Klopov, Russian Fool for Christ |
Michael Rua, Salesian Priest, dear friend of St. John Bosco |
Michael de Sanctis, Trinitarian Priest and Ecstatic |
Michael Syncelle, Monk at St. Sabas, Jerusalem |
Michael Joseph McGivney, American Priest, Founder of the Knights of Columbus |
M. Michaela Desmaisieres y Lopez de Dicastillo, Foundress of the Handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament |
Mikhail Yaroslavich, Prince of Tver, Martyr |
Miguel Augustin Pro, Mexican Jesuit Martyr |
Miguel De La Mora, Mexican Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Miguel Febres Cordero, Ecuadoran Christian Brother |
Miguel Gomez Loza, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr |
Milburga, Abbess of Wenlock, sister of St. Mildred |
Mildred, Benedictine Abbess of Minster-at-Thanet, Sister of St. Milburga |
Miltiades (Melchiades), Pope and Martyr |
Minias (Miniato) of Florence, Soldier, Martyr |
Miriam Teresa Demjanovich, American Reuthenian Sister of Charity |
Mirocles, First Archbishop of Milan |
Miropa of Chios, Martyr |
Mobilia, Martyr |
Moderan (Moran), Bishop of Rennes, Brittany |
Modestinus, Martyr |
Modestus, Bishop of Trier |
Modestus, Martyr |
Molaise (Laserian), Irish Abbot of Leighlin, Co. Carlow |
Moloc, Moluag, Lua of Lismore, Irish Abbot in Scotland |
Monica, Widow and Mother of St. Augustine of Hippo |
Moninne, Abbess of Killeavy, Ireland |
Monon of Nassogne, Irish Hermit in Belgium, Martyr |
Morandus, Benedictine Monk of Cluny |
Morwenna of Cornwall, Hermitess |
Moses the Ethiopian, Priest, Desert Father |
Mummolus of Burdeos. Martyr |
Mummolus of Noyon |
Mustiola of Chiusi, Martyr |
Mutien-Marie (Mucian Maria) Wiaux, Belgian Brother of Christian Schools |
Mychal Judge, Franciscan Fire Chaplain, first registered victim of 9/11, “Saint of 9/11” |
Myron (Miron), Bishop of Cyzicus, Martyr |