Eadbert, Second Bishop of Lindisfarne, successor to St. Cuthbert |
Eadilon, Hermit |
Eberwin, Abbot of St. Martin’s in Trier |
Ecclesius, Bishop of Ravenna, Builder of San Vital |
Edda, Bishop of Winchester |
Edelbaldus |
Edith of Wilton, Virgin |
Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Holy Cross), Carmelite Nun, Murdered in Auschwicz |
Edmund Bojanowski, Layman, Confessor |
Edmund Campion, English Jesuit Priest, Martyr |
Edmund Rich of Abingdon, Archbishop of Canterbury |
Edmund, Saxon King and Martyr |
Edward Oldcorne, English Jesuit Priest, Martyr |
Edward the Confessor, Last Saxon King of England |
Edward, English King and Martyr |
Edwen, Daughter of St. King Brynach, Patroness of Anglesey |
Egwin, 3rd Bishop of Worcester, Benedictine, Founding Abbot of Evesham |
Eileen Rosaline O’Connor, Australian Foundress of Our Lady’s Nurses of the Poor |
Eladio, Martyr |
Eleanora, Virgin |
Elesbaan (Caleb, Kaleb) King of Axum, Ethiopia |
Eleucadius, Bishop of Ravenna |
Eleutherius of Illyrium, Bishop and Martyr |
Eleutherius of Nicomedia, Soldier, Maertyr |
Eleutherius of Rome, Pope and Martyr |
Eleutherius of Spoleto, Abbot of St. Mark’s |
Eleutherius, Abbot |
Eleutherius, Bishop and Martyr |
Eleutherius, First Bishop of Tournai and Martyr |
Eleutherius, Martyr |
Eliada, Abbess of Ohren, hear Triet |
Elias (Giovanni Rachites) of Enna (Sicily), Basilian Abbot |
Elias del Soccorso Nieves del Castillo, (Mateo),Mexican Augustinian Priest, Martyr |
Eligius (Eloi), Bishop of Noyon and Tournai, Patron of Goldsmiths |
Elizabeth Achler, German Franciscn Tertiary, Mystic |
Elizabeth Ann Bailey Seton |
Elizabeth Hesselblad, Brigittine Abbess |
Elizabeth of Hungary, Margravine of Thuringia |
Elizabeth of Messina, Virgin and Solitary |
Elizabeth of Schönau, Cistercian Abbess |
Elizabeth of Spalbeek, Nun of Herkenrode, Belgium |
Elizabeth of the Trinity (Elizabeth Catez), French Discalced Carmelite, Mystic |
Elizabeth Picenardi, O.S.M., Italian Servite Nun |
Elizabeth the New Martyr, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanov of Russia |
Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist |
Elpegio, Bishop of Winchester, Martyred Archbishop of Canterbury |
Elphidius, Bishop of Toul, Martyr |
Elpidius of Cappadocia, Hermit |
Elvira |
Elyphius of Toul, Martyr |
Elzear of Sabran, Count of Ariano |
Emerentiana, Virgin and Martyr, Foster Sister of St. Agnes |
Emeric, (Amerigo, from which “America” is derived), Hungarian Prince |
Emidius (Emigdius), Bishop and Martyr |
Emiliano, Bishop of Vercelli |
Emilie Taverniere Gamelin, Foundress of the Sisters of Providence of Montreal |
Emily de Vialar, Foundress of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition |
Emma of Gurk |
Emma of Lesum, Noblewoman, who built several churches |
Emma, Matron |
Emmanuel Gomez Gonzalez, Spanish priest, martyred in Brazil |
Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions, Franciscan and Maronite Martyrs of Damascus |
Emmelia of Cappadocia, Mother of Sts. Basil, Gregory of Nyssa, and Peter of Sebaste |
Enda (Enna), Abbot of Inishmore, Ireland |
Enda of the Aran Isle, Warrior Turned Monk |
Engelmund, Abbot of Velsen, Companion of St. Willibrord |
Engracia of Segovia, Castilian Hermitess, Martyr |
Engracia of Zaragoza, Virgin and Martyr |
Enimie, Daughter of Clothaire II, founding Abbess of St. Enimie Benedictine Abbey |
Enrique de Osso y Cervello, Founder, Sisters of St. Teresa of Jesus |
Eoban, Bishop of Martelaar, Martyr |
Eonius, Bishop of Arles |
Epaphroditus, Disciple of St. Paul, Bishop of Philippi |
Ephebius, Bishop of Naples |
Ephraem of Edessa, Deacon, Syrian Hymn Writer, and Father of the Church |
Ephysius of Caligari, Sardinia, Martyr |
Epimachia |
Epiphanius the Wise, Disciple and Biographer of Sergius of Radonezh |
Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis |
Epiphanius, Patriarch of Constantinople, Doctor of the Church |
Erasmus (Elmo), Bishop of Formia, Martyr |
Erasmus of Antioch, Martyr |
Erembert, Benedictine Bishop of Toulouse |
Erhard (Eberhard), First Abbot of Ebersheimmunster, Bishop near Ratisbon (Regensburg) |
Eric IX, King of Sweden, Martyr |
Erimenius, Bishop of Gortina |
Ermelinda (Linda), Virgin and Recluse |
Ermemond, Bishop |
Ermengol, Bishop of Urgel |
Erminius, Bishop/Abbot of Lobbes |
Ernan (Eirnin) of Cluin Deorhra (Cloondara) Disciple of St. Columba |
Ernest, Abbot of Zweifalten, Martyr |
Eskil, English Missionary, First Bishop of Strangnas, Sweden, Martyr |
Ethbin, Irish Hermit in Brittany |
Ethelburga, East Anglian Princess, Abbes of Farmoutier |
Etheldreda (Audrey, Ediltrudis) English Princess, Widow, First Abbess of Ely |
Ethelwold, English Priest, Hermit, buried in Lindisfarne |
Eubulius, Martyred in Cyprus |
Eucarpus, Martyred in Asia Minor |
Eucharius, Bishop of Lyons |
Eucharius, Bishop of Orleans |
Eucharius, Bishop of Trier |
Eucharius, Martyred at Toul |
Euddodwy (Oudoceus), Bishop of Llandaff |
Eudoxia Dmitrievna of Moscow |
Eudoxia, Princess of Suzadal, Grand Duchess Euphrosyne of Moscow |
Eugene (Vincent) Bossilkov, Passionst, Bishop of Nicopolis, Martyred in Bulgaria |
Eugene de Mazenod, Servite Bishop of Marseilles, Founder of the Servites of Mary Immaculate |
Eugene I, Pope |
Eugene Prevost, Priest, Founder of the Sacerdotal Fraternity and the Oblates of Bethany |
Eugene, Bishop |
Eugene, Bishop of Milan |
Eugenia (of Caligari?), Virgin and Martyr |
Eugenia of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Eugenius, Bishop of Carthage |
Eugenius, Bishop of Toledo |
Eugenius, Martyr |
Eugenius, Martyr |
Eulalia of Barcelona, Virgin and Martyr |
Eulogius of Cordoba, Bishop-elect of Toledo, Martyr |
Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria |
Eunomia of Augsburg, Virgin and Martyr |
Euphemia of Chalcedon, Virgin and Martyr |
Euphemia, Abbess of Altomünster, Bavaria |
Euphrasia, Virgin and Martyr |
Euphrasius, Bishop of Clermont |
Euphronius, Bishop of Autun |
Euphrosyna, Virgin and Martyr |
Euprepia of Augsburg, Virgin and Martyr |
Eurosia (Orosia), Virgin, martyred near Bayonne |
Eusebia, Nun |
Eusebius of Rome, Priest and Martyr |
Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop and Church Father |
Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea (Palestine), Father of the Church, Father of Church History |
Eusebius, Bishop of Milan |
Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata, Father of the Church, Martyr |
Eusebius, Martyred in Syria |
Eusebius, Pope and Martyr |
Eustace (Eustacius) and his family (companions), Martyrs – his wife, Theopista, and their sons, Theopistus and Agapitus |
Eustace, 2nd Abbot of Luxueil |
Eustacius, Bishop of Aleira |
Eustathius, Bishop of Naples |
Eusticia, Martyr |
Eustochia Smeralda Calafato, Poor Clare, Co-patroness of Messina |
Eustochium Julia, Daughter of St. Paula, Friend of St. Jerome |
Eustochius, Bishop of Tours |
Eustolia, Virgin, Daughter of Byzantine Emperor Maurice |
Eustorgius, Bishop of Milan |
Euthymius the Great, Palestinian Abbot, born in Militene, Armenia |
Euthymius, Martyr |
Eutichius of Alexandria, Martyr |
Eutichius, Abbot |
Eutichius, Bishop of Como |
Eutichius, Patriarch of Constantinople |
Eutropius of Amasea, Martyr |
Eutropius, Bishop of Orange |
Eutropius, First Bishop of Saintes, Martyr |
Eutychian, Pope |
Eva, Martyr |
Evagrius, Bishop of Antioch |
Evagrius, Patriarch of Constantinople |
Evaristus, Pope and Martyr |
Evasius, Bishop of Asti |
Evellius of Rome, Martyr |
Everard (Eberhard) Confessor, Founder of Cysoing Abbey, diocese of Cambrai |
Evergislo of Cologne |
Everilda of Wessex, Foundress of Everingham Convent |
Evermod, Norbertine Bishop of Ratzeburg, Apostle to the Wends |
Evodius, 1st Bishop of Antioch, consecrated by St. Peter, Martyr, predecessor of St. Ignatius |
Evodius, Bishop of Rouen |
Evorcius (Aper), Bishop of Toul |
Evorcius, Bishop of Orleans |
Ewa (born Bogumila) Noiszewska, Foundress, Handmaids of the Immaculate BVM, Martyr |
Expeditus |
Exuperantia, Virgin Martyred at Troyes |
Exuperantius, Bishop (of either Ravenna or Cingoli) |
Exuperantius, Martyr |
Exuperius, Bishop of Toulouse |
Eystein (Augustine) Erlendsson, Archbishop of Nidaros (Trondheim, Norway) |
Ezequiel Moreno y Díaz, Augustinian Recollet, Bishop, Martyr |