Ubaldesca Taccini, Virgin of the Order of St. John
Ubaldo Baldassini, Bishop of Gubbio
Ulrich, Bishop of Augsburg
Umberto III, Count of Savoy
Urban I, Pope and Martyr
Urban V, Pope
Urban, Martyr
Ursicinus (Ursanne), Confessor, Founder of Saint-Ursanne
Ursicinus II, Bishop of Chur and Abbot of Dissentis
Ursinius, First Bishop of Bourges
Ursmar, Benedictine Missionary-Bishop, Abbot of Lobbes
Ursula of Parma, Virgin
Ursula, Virgin and Martyr
Ursus, Bishop of Ravenna
Ursus, Martyr
Ustazades, Court Eunuch and Godfather of Sapor II of Persia, who Martyred him





Valentin of Segovia, Castilian Hermit, Martyr
Valentina Feodorovna Sulkovskaya of Minsk, Miracle Worker
Valentine of Rome, Priest and Martyr
Valentine, Bishop of Trier and Tongres, Confessor
Valentinian, Bishop of Chur
Valeria (Valerie), Virgin and Martyr
Valeria, Virgin Martyred at Limoges
Valerian of Rome, Martyr and Husband of St. Cecilia
Valerian, Bishop of Abbensa
Valerian, Martyr
Valerius of Soissons, Martyr
Valerius, Bishop of Saragossa
Valerius, Bishop of Sorrento
Valerius, Martyr
Varus (Ouar), Egyptian Soldier, Martyr, Patron of Sick Children and the Unbaptized
Vedast (Vaast, Gaston, Foster), Bishop of Arras and Cambrai
Venantius, Martyr
Venantius, Martyred at Camerino
Veneranda, Virgin and Martyr (probably identical with St. Parasceve of Iconium)
Venustus, Martyr
Verecundus, Bishop of Verona
Verena, Charitable Egyptian Virgin who died in Switzerland
Veridiana (Virginia Margaret) dei Mazziere, Franciscan
Veridiana of Padua, Anchoress and Wonderworker
Veronica Giuliani, Poor Clare Abbess, Stigmatic, and Mystic
Veronica of Binasco (of Milan), Augusinian Nun, Mystic
Viator of Lyons, Confessor (after whom the Viatorian Order is named)
Vicelinus, Bishop of Oldenburg
Vicenta of Coria (Caceres), Solitary, Martyr
Vicenta of Corla, Martyr
Vicente Soler, Spanish Augustinian Recollect Priest, Martyr
Vicenza (Caterina) Gerosa, Co-founder of the Sisters of Charity of Lovere
Victor I, Pope and Martyr
Victor Maurus (the Moor, of Mauretania), Martyr
Victor of Alexandria, Martyr
Victor of Burgos, Priest and Martyr
Victor of Marseilles, Soldier and Martyr
Victor of Nantes, Martyr
Victor, Archbishop of Ravenna
Victor, Martyred either in Antioch or Nicomedia
(Maria) Victoria Fornari Strata, Widow and Mother, Foundress of the Blue Nuns
Victoria of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
Victoria, Martyr
Victoria, Martyr
Victorian, Martyr
Victoricus, Missionary Martyred near Amiens
Victorinus, Bishop of Pettau
Victorius of Leon, Martyr
Victorius, Martyr
Vigilantus, Martyr
Vigilius, Bishop of Auxerre, Martyr
Vigor (Vigeur), First Bishop of Bayeux
Vilmos (William) Apor, Bishop of Gyor, Martyr
Vincent de l’Aquila, Franciscan mystic
Vincent de Paul, Priest and Founder of the Congregation of the Missions, or Vincentians
Vincent Ferrer, Dominican Priest
Vincent Madelgarus, Founding abbot of Haumont, husband of St. Waldetrude
Vincent of Gerona, Martyr
Vincent of Lerins, Abbot
Vincent of Saragossa, Deacon and Martyr
Vincent Palotti, Priest, Founder of the “Pious Society of the Missions”
Vincent Strombi, Passionist Bishop of Macerata and Tolentino
Vincent, Martyr
Vincent, North African Deacon and Martyr
Vincentia, Martyr
Vindicianus, Bishop of Cambrai
Vindimial, Bishop of Capsa, Numidia, Martyred by the Vandals
Violeta, Virgin and Martyr
Virgilius (Feargal, Farrell) Bishop of Salzburg “the Geometer”
Virginia Centurione Bracelli
Vitalis of Castronovo, Calabrian Monk, Wonder Worker
Vitalis of Ravenna, Martyr
Vitburga (Withburga), Abbess of Dereham, East Anglian Princess
Vitus (Guy), Martyr
Vitus, Bishop of Verdun
Vivaldo (Waldo), Hermit
Vladimir Ghika, Romanian Prince, Priest, Martyr
Vladimir the Great, Prince of Kiev
Volusianus, Bishop of ToursWalburga, British Abbess of Heidenheim