Pachomius of Tabenna, Egypt, Abbot |
Paciano, Bishop of Barcelona |
Palaemon, Egyptian Monk |
Palladius, Bishop, Missionary to Ireland before Patrick |
Pamphilus of Caesarea, Martyr |
Pancratius of Rome, Martyr |
Pantaenus, Head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria |
Pantagato, Bishop of Vienne |
Pantaleon, Martyr |
Paola Elizabetta Cerioli, Foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bergamo |
Paphnutius of Borovsk, Hegumen of the Monastery of the Mother of God at Vysok |
Papias, Bishop of Hieropolis, Father of the Church, Martyr |
Papyrus, Deacon martyred in Pergamum |
Paramon, Martyred under Decius |
Paraskeve of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Paraskeve Pianitza of Iconium, Virgin and Martyr |
Parmenas of Jerusalem, Deacon |
Parthenius |
Pascal Baylon, Franciscan Lay Brother |
Pascarius, Bishop of Nantes |
Pastor of Rome, Martyr |
Pastor, 9 year old Martyred with his brother Justus at Alcala |
Patapius, Egyptian Monk |
Paternus of Scissy (Avranches), Hermit |
Paternus, 1st Bishop of Vannes |
Patiens, Bishop of Lyon |
Patientia (Paciencia) Matron, Mother of St. Vincent the Deacon (of Saragozza) |
Patricia of Naples (of Constatinople) nun |
Patrick, Bishop, Missionary to Ireland, and Father of the Church |
Patritius, Martyr |
Patrobus, Bishop of Puteoli |
Patroclus, Martyr |
Paul Burali d’Arezzo, Archbishop of Naples |
Paul I, Patriarch of Constantinople |
Paul Miki, Martyr of Nagasaki |
Paul of Cyprus, Iconodule Martyr |
Paul of Hungary, Dominican Missionary and Martyr |
Paul of Rome, Martyr |
Paul of the Cross, Priest and Founder of the Passionist Order |
Paul of Thebes, the First Hermit |
Paul the Apostle |
Paul the Simple, Monk of the Thebiad, Egypt, disciple of St. Anthony, Abbot |
Paul VI, Pope |
Paul, Bishop of Verdun |
Paul, iconophile Bishop of Prusa, in Bithynia |
Paula Frassinetti, Foundress of the Sisters of St. Dorothy |
Paula, Roman Matron, Mother of St. Eustochium Julia, Friend of St. Jerome |
Paula, Virgin and Martyr |
Paulina of Fulda, Nun |
Paulina, Virgin and Martyr |
Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus (Amable Lucia Visitainer) of Brazil |
Pauline Von Mallinckrodt, Foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of Christian Charity |
Paulinus II, Patriarch of Aquilaea |
Paulinus of Antioch, First Bishop of Lucca, Martyr |
Paulinus of Nola, Bishop and Father of the Church |
Paulinus, Bishop of Trier |
Paulinus, last Bishop of Capua Veteria |
Pausilippus of Thrace, Martyr |
Pedro Esqueda Ramirez, Mexican Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Pedro Jesus de Maldonado Lucero, Mexican Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Pedro Tomas, Archbishop of Crete, Latin Patriarch of Constantinople |
Pelagius (Pelayo), martyred at Cordoba |
Pelagius, Martyr |
Pepin of Landen the Elder, Father of Sts. Gertrude of Nivelles and Bavo |
Peregrine Laziosi, Servite Priest, Patron of those with Cancer |
Peregrine of Saxony, Franciscan Archbishop of Split, First Bishop of Bosnia |
Peregrino of Foggia, Hermit, one of the co-patrons of the city |
Peregrinus of Apollonia, Martyr |
Peregrinus, First Bishop of Auxerre, Martyr |
Perer Pattarini of Imola, Prior, Order of Malta |
Perfecta of Cordoba, Martyr |
Perfectus, Priest, Martyr of Cordoba |
Peris “the Cardinal”, patron of Llanberis, Wales |
Perpetua of Carthage, Martyr |
Perpetua, Virgin and Martyr |
Persian Family Martyred in Rome |
Marius - the Father |
Martha - the Mother |
Abacus (Habakkuk) - the Son |
Peter “the Spaniard”, Hermit |
Peter Arbues, Assasinated Inquisitor |
Peter Berna, Jesuit Priest, Martyred in India |
Peter Canisius, Jesuit Priest and Doctor of the Church |
Peter Chanel, Marist Priest, Apostle to Oceania, Martyr |
Peter Chrysologus, Bishop of Ravenna, Father of the Church |
Peter Claver, Jesuit Priest |
Peter Damian, Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, Doctor of the Church |
Peter Fabre, co-founder of the Jesuits |
Peter Fourier, Augustinian Canon, Founder of the Canonesses Regular of St. Augustine |
Peter Gonzalez (Gundisalvus, Telmo), Dominican |
Peter James of Pesaro, Augustinian Priest |
Peter Julien Eymard, Priest, Founder of the Order of the Blessed Sacrament |
Peter Nolasco, Priest, Founder of the Order of Our Lady of Ransom |
Peter of Alcantara, Franciscan Priest |
Peter of Avranches, Cistercian Abbot of Savigny |
Peter of Cava, Bishop of Policastro |
Peter of Poitiers, Priest, French Medieval Theologian |
Peter of Rome, Exorcist and Martyr |
Peter of Siena, Franciscan Martyr of Thane, India |
Peter of Verona, Dominican Priest and Martyr |
Peter Orselolo I, 23rd Doge of Venice, Camoldolese Benedictine Monk |
Peter Palatinos of Nicomedia, Martyr |
Peter Regalatus, Reformed Franciscan Friar |
Peter the Apostle |
Peter the Hermit |
Peter, Bishop of Osma |
Peter, Bishop of Sebaste, Brother of Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa |
Peter, Cistercian Archbishop of Tarentaise |
Peter, Patriarch of Alexandria, Martyr |
Petroc of Cornwall, Abbotmm |
Petronax, Benedictine, Second Founder of Monte Cassino |
Petronilla, Virgin and Martyr |
Petronius, Bishop of Bologna |
Petrus Joseph Savelberg, Priest, founder of the Little Sisters of St. Joseph |
Petrus Norbert Donders, Dutch Redemptorist Missionary and Apostle to Lepers |
Phanxico Xavie (Francis Xavier) Nguyen Van Thuan, Cardinal Archbishop of Saigon |
Pharaildis, Virgin |
Philaren Voznesensky, Russian Metropolitan of New York |
Philaret, Patriarch of Moscow |
Phileas, Bishop of Thmuis, Martyr |
Philibert, Abbot of Jumieges (Noirmoutier) |
Philip Benizi, Servite Priest |
Philip Evans, Welsh Jesuit Priest, Martyr |
Philip Howard, 13th Earl of Arundel, Martyr |
Philip Howard, English Aristocrat, Matryr |
Philip II, Patriarch of Moscow, Martyr |
Philip Neri, Priest, Founder of the Oratory |
Philip of Argira, Apostle of Sicily |
Philip of Jesus, Franciscan Martyr of Nagasaki, Patron of Mexico City |
Philip the Apostle |
Philip the Deacon |
Philip, Bishop of Gortina |
Philip, Martyr |
Philippa Mareri, Poor Clare |
Philippianus |
Philogonius, Patriarch of Antioch |
Philomena, Virgin and Martyr |
Philon, 1st Bishop of Karpasia, Cyprus |
Philostratus, Bishop of Brescia |
Phoca, Martyr |
Phoebe, Deaconess of Cenchreae, who delivered Paul's Epistle to the Romans to Rome |
Piatus (Piat), Priest, Martyred near Tournai |
Pientius, Bishop of Poitiers |
Piergiorgio Frassati |
Pierina Morosini, Virgin and Martyr |
Pierre Maubant, Priest of the Parish Foreign Mission Society, Martyred in Korea |
Pierre-René Rogue, Vincentian (Lazarist) priest, Martyr |
Pietro of Croce |
Pimenius, Martyr |
Pimenius, Spanish Bishop |
Pinytus, Bishop of Cnossos, Crete |
Pio of Pietrelcina, Capuchin Stigmatic and Mystic |
Pirmin, Irish Regionary Bishop, Founded Reichenau |
Pirro Scavizzi, Roman Priest, Missionary of the Institute “Imperiali Borromeo” |
Pius I, Pope and Martyr |
Pius IX, Pope |
Pius V, Dominican Pope |
Pius X, Pope |
Pius XII, a zucchetto he wore and a bone chip |
Placida, Virgin and Martyr |
Placidus of Dissentis, Swiss Martyr |
Placidus, Disciple of St. Benedict |
Placidus, Martyr |
Plato of Constantinople, Abbot |
Plautilla, Widow, Mother of Flavia Domitilla, sister of Senator Flavius Clemens |
Plutarch of Alexandria, Disciple of Origen, Companion of Serenus, Martyr |
Poetia, Martyr |
Polion of Rome, Martyr |
Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Father of the Church, Martyr |
Polyeuctos of Militene, Soldier and Martyr |
Pompeius, Bishop of Pavia |
Pompilius Maria Pirotti, Piarist Priest, Reformer |
Pomponius, 20th Bishop of Naples |
Pomponius, Syrian Bishop and Martyr |
Poncius of Carthage |
Pontian, Pope and Martyr |
Pontius of Cimiez, Roman Senator and Martyr |
Pontius, Bishop of Nice and Martyr |
Poppo, Abbot of Stavelot-Malmedy |
Porphyrios, Bishop of Gaza |
Portia, Virgin and Martyr |
Potentiana, Martyr |
Pothinus, Bishop of Lyon, Martyr |
Pragmatius, Bishop of Autun |
Praxedes of Rome, Virgin |
Primitivus of Leon, Martyr |
Primus of Rome, Martyr |
Primus, Martyr |
Principius, Bishop of Soissons |
Prisca of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
Priscilla, Disciple of Paul, Martyr
Priscilla, Matron |
Priscus |
Privatus (Privat), Apostle of Gevaudan, First Bishop of Mende, Martyr |
Probus, Martyr |
Procharius (Porcarius II – Porcaire), Abbot of Lèrins, Martyr |
Prochorus, one of the first Seven Deacons |
Procopius of Casearea in Palestine, Martyr |
Procopius, Abbot of Sazawa, Bohemia |
Procopius, Martyr |
Proculus of Bologna, Martyr |
Proculus, Patriarch of Constantinople |
Prosdocimus, First Bishop of Padua, Martyr |
Prosper |
Prosper of Aquitaine, Lay Church Father, Disciple of Augustine of Hippo |
Prosper, Bishop of Orleans |
Prospera, Martyr |
Protase, Martyr |
Proterius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Martyr |
Protomartyrs of Trier: Bishop Vigilius, Sissinius, Alexander, and Martyrius (one of them) |
Protus of Rome, brother of Hyacinth, Martyr |
Prudence, Virgin, Augustinian Hermit |
Prudentius, Bishop of Troyes |
Prudentius, Martyr |
Ptolomaeus, Martyr |
Publius, Second Bishop of Athens, Martyr |
Pudentiana of Rome, Virgin |
Pudenziana (Potentiana), Martyr |
Pulcheria, Byzantine Empress |