Octavian, Archdeacon of Carthage, Martyr
Octavius, Martyr, Patron of Turin
Oda, Widow, Foundress of St. George Church and hospice at Hamay-les-Marchiennes
Odilia, (Ottilia), abbess of Odielienburg, Patroness of Alsace
Odilo, Abbot of Cluny
Odilo, Abbot of Stavelot and Malmedy
Odo (Oda), Archbishop of Canterbuty
Odo, Bishop of Urgel
Odrada, Virgin, of Haelen (Hertogenbosch), Netherlands
Odulph, Canon of Utrecht
Oduvald, Abbot of Melrose
Olaf, King of Norway
Olegarius, Bishop of Barcelona
Olga, Princess of Kiev
Oliver Plunkett, Archbishop of Armagh and Martyr
Olivia, Virgin, Martyred at Palermo
Olympias of Constantinople, Widow and Deaconess
Olympias, Consular Prefect of Ameria, Martyr
Olympius, Tribune and Martyr
Onesimus, Philemon's escaped Slave, second Bishop of Ephesus, martyr
Onuphrius (Humphrey) “the Great”, Hermit
Opilius of Piacenza, Martyr
Opportuna, Abbess of Montreuil (Benedictine), sister of Chrodegand of Seez
Orencius, Father of St. Lawrence of Rome
Orestes of Tyana, Cappadocia, Physician and Martyr
Ortarius, Abbot of Landelles
Osanna Andreassi of Mantua, Dominican Nun
Osburga, Abbess of Coventry
Osmund, Bishop of Old Sarum (Salisbury)
Oswald, Bishop of Worcester, Archbishop of York
Oswald, King of Northumbria, Martyr
Oswin, King of Northumbria and Martyr
Otto, Bishop of Bamburg
Ouen (Owen, Audoenus), Archbishop of Rouen






Pachomius of Tabenna, Egypt, Abbot
Paciano, Bishop of Barcelona
Palaemon, Egyptian Monk
Palladius, Bishop, Missionary to Ireland before Patrick
Pamphilus of Caesarea, Martyr
Pancratius of Rome, Martyr
Pantaenus, Head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria
Pantagato, Bishop of Vienne
Pantaleon, Martyr
Paola Elizabetta Cerioli, Foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bergamo
Paphnutius of Borovsk, Hegumen of the Monastery of the Mother of God at Vysok
Papias, Bishop of Hieropolis, Father of the Church, Martyr
Papyrus, Deacon martyred in Pergamum
Paramon, Martyred under Decius
Paraskeve of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
Paraskeve Pianitza of Iconium, Virgin and Martyr
Parmenas of Jerusalem, Deacon
Pascal Baylon, Franciscan Lay Brother
Pascarius, Bishop of Nantes
Pastor of Rome, Martyr
Pastor, 9 year old Martyred with his brother Justus at Alcala
Patapius, Egyptian Monk
Paternus of Scissy (Avranches), Hermit
Paternus, 1st Bishop of Vannes
Patiens, Bishop of Lyon
Patientia (Paciencia) Matron, Mother of St. Vincent the Deacon (of Saragozza)
Patricia of Naples (of Constatinople) nun
Patrick, Bishop, Missionary to Ireland, and Father of the Church
Patritius, Martyr
Patrobus, Bishop of Puteoli
Patroclus, Martyr
Paul Burali d’Arezzo, Archbishop of Naples
Paul I, Patriarch of Constantinople
Paul Miki, Martyr of Nagasaki
Paul of Cyprus, Iconodule Martyr
Paul of Hungary, Dominican Missionary and Martyr
Paul of Rome, Martyr
Paul of the Cross, Priest and Founder of the Passionist Order
Paul of Thebes, the First Hermit
Paul the Apostle
Paul the Simple, Monk of the Thebiad, Egypt, disciple of St. Anthony, Abbot
Paul VI, Pope
Paul, Bishop of Verdun
Paul, iconophile Bishop of Prusa, in Bithynia
Paula Frassinetti, Foundress of the Sisters of St. Dorothy
Paula, Roman Matron, Mother of St. Eustochium Julia, Friend of St. Jerome
Paula, Virgin and Martyr
Paulina of Fulda, Nun
Paulina, Virgin and Martyr
Pauline of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus (Amable Lucia Visitainer) of Brazil
Pauline Von Mallinckrodt, Foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of Christian Charity
Paulinus II, Patriarch of Aquilaea
Paulinus of Antioch, First Bishop of Lucca, Martyr
Paulinus of Nola, Bishop and Father of the Church
Paulinus, Bishop of Trier
Paulinus, last Bishop of Capua Veteria
Pausilippus of Thrace, Martyr
Pedro Esqueda Ramirez, Mexican Priest, Cristero Martyr
Pedro Jesus de Maldonado Lucero, Mexican Priest, Cristero Martyr
Pedro Tomas, Archbishop of Crete, Latin Patriarch of Constantinople
Pelagius (Pelayo), martyred at Cordoba
Pelagius, Martyr
Pepin of Landen the Elder, Father of Sts. Gertrude of Nivelles and Bavo
Peregrine Laziosi, Servite Priest, Patron of those with Cancer
Peregrine of Saxony, Franciscan Archbishop of Split, First Bishop of Bosnia
Peregrino of Foggia, Hermit, one of the co-patrons of the city
Peregrinus of Apollonia, Martyr
Peregrinus, First Bishop of Auxerre, Martyr
Perer Pattarini of Imola, Prior, Order of Malta
Perfecta of Cordoba, Martyr
Perfectus, Priest, Martyr of Cordoba
Peris “the Cardinal”, patron of Llanberis, Wales
Perpetua of Carthage, Martyr
Perpetua, Virgin and Martyr
Persian Family Martyred in Rome
     Marius - the Father
     Martha - the Mother
     Abacus (Habakkuk) - the Son
Peter “the Spaniard”, Hermit
Peter Arbues, Assasinated Inquisitor
Peter Berna, Jesuit Priest, Martyred in India
Peter Canisius, Jesuit Priest and Doctor of the Church
Peter Chanel, Marist Priest, Apostle to Oceania, Martyr
Peter Chrysologus, Bishop of Ravenna, Father of the Church
Peter Claver, Jesuit Priest
Peter Damian, Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, Doctor of the Church
Peter Fabre, co-founder of the Jesuits
Peter Fourier, Augustinian Canon, Founder of the Canonesses Regular of St. Augustine
Peter Gonzalez (Gundisalvus, Telmo), Dominican
Peter James of Pesaro, Augustinian Priest
Peter Julien Eymard, Priest, Founder of the Order of the Blessed Sacrament
Peter Nolasco, Priest, Founder of the Order of Our Lady of Ransom
Peter of Alcantara, Franciscan Priest
Peter of Avranches, Cistercian Abbot of Savigny
Peter of Cava, Bishop of Policastro
Peter of Poitiers, Priest, French Medieval Theologian
Peter of Rome, Exorcist and Martyr
Peter of Siena, Franciscan Martyr of Thane, India
Peter of Verona, Dominican Priest and Martyr
Peter Orselolo I, 23rd Doge of Venice, Camoldolese Benedictine Monk
Peter Palatinos of Nicomedia, Martyr
Peter Regalatus, Reformed Franciscan Friar
Peter the Apostle
Peter the Hermit
Peter, Bishop of Osma
Peter, Bishop of Sebaste, Brother of Basil the Great and Gregory of Nyssa
Peter, Cistercian Archbishop of Tarentaise
Peter, Patriarch of Alexandria, Martyr
Petroc of Cornwall, Abbotmm
Petronax, Benedictine, Second Founder of Monte Cassino
Petronilla, Virgin and Martyr
Petronius, Bishop of Bologna
Petrus Joseph Savelberg, Priest, founder of the Little Sisters of St. Joseph
Petrus Norbert Donders, Dutch Redemptorist Missionary and Apostle to Lepers
Phanxico Xavie (Francis Xavier) Nguyen Van Thuan, Cardinal Archbishop of Saigon
Pharaildis, Virgin
Philaren Voznesensky, Russian Metropolitan of New York
Philaret, Patriarch of Moscow
Phileas, Bishop of Thmuis, Martyr
Philibert, Abbot of Jumieges (Noirmoutier)
Philip Benizi, Servite Priest
Philip Evans, Welsh Jesuit Priest, Martyr
Philip Howard, 13th Earl of Arundel, Martyr
Philip Howard, English Aristocrat, Matryr
Philip II, Patriarch of Moscow, Martyr
Philip Neri, Priest, Founder of the Oratory
Philip of Argira, Apostle of Sicily
Philip of Jesus, Franciscan Martyr of Nagasaki, Patron of Mexico City
Philip the Apostle
Philip the Deacon
Philip, Bishop of Gortina
Philip, Martyr
Philippa Mareri, Poor Clare
Philogonius, Patriarch of Antioch
Philomena, Virgin and Martyr
Philon, 1st Bishop of Karpasia, Cyprus
Philostratus, Bishop of Brescia
Phoca, Martyr
Phoebe, Deaconess of Cenchreae, who delivered Paul's Epistle to the Romans to Rome
Piatus (Piat), Priest, Martyred near Tournai
Pientius, Bishop of Poitiers
Piergiorgio Frassati
Pierina Morosini, Virgin and Martyr
Pierre Maubant, Priest of the Parish Foreign Mission Society, Martyred in Korea
Pierre-René Rogue, Vincentian (Lazarist) priest, Martyr
Pietro of Croce
Pimenius, Martyr
Pimenius, Spanish Bishop
Pinytus, Bishop of Cnossos, Crete
Pio of Pietrelcina, Capuchin Stigmatic and Mystic
Pirmin, Irish Regionary Bishop, Founded Reichenau
Pirro Scavizzi, Roman Priest, Missionary of the Institute “Imperiali Borromeo”
Pius I, Pope and Martyr  
Pius IX, Pope
Pius V, Dominican Pope
Pius X, Pope
Pius XII, a zucchetto he wore and a bone chip
Placida, Virgin and Martyr
Placidus of Dissentis, Swiss Martyr
Placidus, Disciple of St. Benedict
Placidus, Martyr
Plato of Constantinople, Abbot
Plautilla, Widow, Mother of Flavia Domitilla, sister of Senator Flavius Clemens
Plutarch of Alexandria, Disciple of Origen, Companion of Serenus, Martyr
Poetia, Martyr
Polion of Rome, Martyr
Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Father of the Church, Martyr
Polyeuctos of Militene, Soldier and Martyr
Pompeius, Bishop of Pavia
Pompilius Maria Pirotti, Piarist Priest, Reformer
Pomponius, 20th Bishop of Naples
Pomponius, Syrian Bishop and Martyr
Poncius of Carthage
Pontian, Pope and Martyr
Pontius of Cimiez, Roman Senator and Martyr
Pontius, Bishop of Nice and Martyr
Poppo, Abbot of Stavelot-Malmedy
Porphyrios, Bishop of Gaza
Portia, Virgin and Martyr
Potentiana, Martyr
Pothinus, Bishop of Lyon, Martyr
Pragmatius, Bishop of Autun
Praxedes of Rome, Virgin
Primitivus of Leon, Martyr
Primus of Rome, Martyr
Primus, Martyr
Principius, Bishop of Soissons

Prisca of Rome, Virgin and Martyr

Priscilla, Disciple of Paul, Martyr

Priscilla, Matron
Privatus (Privat), Apostle of Gevaudan, First Bishop of Mende, Martyr
Probus, Martyr
Procharius (Porcarius II – Porcaire), Abbot of Lèrins, Martyr
Prochorus, one of the first Seven Deacons
Procopius of Casearea in Palestine, Martyr
Procopius, Abbot of Sazawa, Bohemia
Procopius, Martyr
Proculus of Bologna, Martyr
Proculus, Patriarch of Constantinople
Prosdocimus, First Bishop of Padua, Martyr
Prosper of Aquitaine, Lay Church Father, Disciple of Augustine of Hippo
Prosper, Bishop of Orleans
Prospera, Martyr
Protase, Martyr
Proterius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Martyr
Protomartyrs of Trier: Bishop Vigilius, Sissinius, Alexander, and Martyrius (one of them)
Protus of Rome, brother of Hyacinth, Martyr
Prudence, Virgin, Augustinian Hermit
Prudentius, Bishop of Troyes
Prudentius, Martyr
Ptolomaeus, Martyr
Publius, Second Bishop of Athens, Martyr
Pudentiana of Rome, Virgin
Pudenziana (Potentiana), Martyr
Pulcheria, Byzantine Empress