Sabas Reyes Slazar, Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Sabas the Youth |
Sabas, Abbot |
Sabina of Rome, Matron and Martyr |
Sabina of Talavera, Martyr, Sister of Sts. Cristeta and Vincent of Avila |
Sabinianus, Martyr of Cordoba |
Sabinus (Abibus), of Egypt, Procurator of Hermopolis, Martyr |
Sabinus, Bishop of Assisi, Martyred in Spoleto |
Sacerdos, Bishop of Lyon |
Sadoth (Sadoc), Metropolitan of Celeucia/Ctesiphon, Martyred by the Persians |
Salomea, Queen, Matron, Abbess of the Poor Clares at Zawichost (later moved to Skala) |
Salonius, Bishop of Geneva |
Salustianus of Sardinia, Martyr |
Salvador Huerta Gutierrez, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr |
Salvador Lara Puente, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr |
Salvador, Martyr |
Salvator of Horta, Spanish Franciscan Brother |
Salvinus, Bishop of Maçon |
Salvius, Bishop of Alvi |
Samonas of Edessa, Martyr |
Samson, 1st Bishop of Dol, Brittany |
Sancja (Janina) Szymkowiak, Polish Daughter of the Sorrowful Mother |
Santinus, Bishop of Verdun |
Sara of Antioch, Mother, Martyred with her two sons |
Sara the Black, Patroness of the Romani (Gypsy) people |
Sara, Egyptian Virgin and Ascetic |
Saturninus of Carthage, Martyr, One of the Companions of Perpetua and Felicitas |
Saturninus, Bishop of Verona |
Saturninus, Carthiginian Priest, Martyred in Rome |
Saturnus, Vandal Companion of St. Armogastes, Martyr |
Savinus (Sabinus), Bishop of Conosa, Martyr |
Scholastica, Foundress of the Benedictine Sisters |
Sebastian Maggi, Dominican Priest, Reformer |
Sebastian, Soldier and Martyr |
Sebbe (Sebba, Sebbi) King of the East Angles, Benedictine Monk |
Secunda. Virgin and Martyr |
Secundinus (Sechnall), Irish Bishop, Nephew of St. Patrick |
Secundinus, Bishop of Palestrina |
Secundinus, Martyr |
Secundus, Martyr |
Secundus, Priest, Martyred at Barca, near Alexandria |
Senan of Inis Cathaigh (Scattery Island) Irish Abbot/Bishop |
Senator, Bishop of Milan |
Sennen, Martyr |
Serafina of Galicia, early convert |
Seraphim of Sarov, Russian monk and mystic |
Seraphina (Fina) of St. Gemignano |
Seraphino of Ascoli, Capuchin Priest |
Seraphinus of Montegrano, Capuchin Lay Brother |
Serapia, Virgin and Martyr |
Serapion, Bishop of Thmuis, Egypt, “the Scholastic,” head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria |
Serapion, Martyr |
Serapion, Patriarch of Antioch |
Serena of Spoleto, Virgin and Martyr |
Serenus of Sirmium, Martyr |
Serenus, Disciple of Origen, companion of Plutarch, Martyr |
Sergius I, Pope |
Sergius of Caesarea in Cappadocia, Martyr |
Sergius of Radonzeh, Father of Russian Monasticism, Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery |
Sergius of Ravenna, Martyr |
Sergius, Soldier and Martyr, Companion of St. Bacchus |
Serrano (Serranus), Bishop of Oviedo |
Servanus (Serf), Apostle to the Orkneys |
Servatius, 1st Bishop of Tongern and Maastricht |
Servulus of Trieste, Martyr |
Seven Apostolic Men: Clerics ordained in Rome and sent to convert Spain |
Caecilius (Elvira/Granada) |
Ctesiphon (Berja) |
Euphrasius (Andujar) |
Hesychius (Cazorla) |
Indalecius (Pechina) |
Secundus (Avila) |
Torquatus (Guadix) |
Seven Holy Sleepers of Ephesus, Martyrs |
Constantine |
Dionysius |
Johannes |
Malchus |
Martinian |
Maximian |
Serapion |
Severianus, Martyr |
Severinus |
Severinus of Norica, Martyr |
Severinus, Bishop of Septempeda (now San Severino) |
Severinus, Bishop, either of Bordeaux or Cologne |
Severus, Bishop of Barcelona, Martyr |
Severus, Bishop of Catania, Sicily |
Severus, Bishop of Ravenna |
Sibilbald, Bishop of Metz |
Sibyllina Biscossi of Pavia, Dominican Tertiary |
Sidonius, Roman, Martyred under Aurelian, enshrined in Flanders |
Sigebald, Bishop of Metz |
Sigebert I, King of East Anglia |
Sigfried, Bishop of Sweden (baptized St. Olaf) |
Sigismund, King of Burgundy, Martyr |
Silvanus, Associate of St. Paul |
Silvanus, Bishop of Gaza |
Silvanus, Martyred in Alexandria |
Silverius, Pope |
Silvester Guzzolini, Abbot, Founder if the Silvestrine Benedictines |
Silvester I, Pope |
Silvius, Bishop of Toulouse |
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari |
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari |
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari |
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari |
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari |
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari |
Simeon Stylites |
Simeon the God-Receiver of Jerusalem |
Simeon, Second Bishop of Jerusalem and Cousin of Our Lord |
Simon Mchajlovic of Volom, Russian Priest, Martyr |
Simon Miguel Rodriguez, Franciscan Brother, Martyr |
Simon Stock, Carmelite Priest, Superior General of the Order |
Simon the Apostle |
Simplicianus, Bishop of Milan, Successor of St. Ambrose, Friend of St. Augustine |
Simplicius |
Simplicius, Martyr |
Simplicius, Pope |
Sirus (Horus), Bishop, Martyred in Alexandria |
Sisebuto, Abbot of Cardena |
Sisinius, Martyr |
Sisto Riario Sforza, Cardinal Archbishop of Naples |
Sixtus I, Bishop of Rheims |
Sixtus I, Pope and Martyr |
Sixtus II, Pope and Martyr |
Sixtus III, Pope |
Solange of Bourges, Virgin and Martyr |
Solanus Casey, Franciscan Priest from Detroit |
Solemnius, Bishop of Chartres |
Solomon, Portuguese, martyred in Cordoba |
Solutor, Martyr, Patron of Turin |
Sophia, Martyr |
Sophia, Roman Virgin, Martyr |
Sophia, Widow, Martyr, and her daughter Martyrs: |
Faith |
Hope |
Charity |
Sophia (Soilomonia Jurievn Saburova) of Suzdal, Princess of Moscow |
Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem |
Soprata, Virgin, Daughter of Byzantine Emperor Maurice |
Sosipater of Iconium, associate of St. Paul, 1st Bishop of Iconium |
Sosthenes Sostegni, One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order |
Soter, Pope and Martyr |
Sotera, Martyr |
Soteria, Great-Grandmother of St. Ambrose of Milan |
Sotiro (Zuwarda), Virgin, Martyred in Dordrecht, Holland |
Speciosa of Antioch, Virgin and Martyr |
Speranza di Gesu (Giuseppa Alhama Valera), foundress of the Handmaids of Merciful Love |
Stanislaus Kostka, Jesuit Novice |
Stanislaus, Bishop of Cracow and Martyr |
Stanley Rother, missionary Priest from Oklahoma, martyred in Guatemala |
Stephania, Coptic Martyr |
Stephen (Istvan), King of Hungary |
Stephen Bandelli, Dominican Priest |
Stephen Harding, One of the Three Co-founders of the Cistercians |
Stephen I, Pope and Martyr |
Stephen of Grandmont, Founder of the extinguished Order of Grandmont |
Stephen of Obazine, French Hermit, Founding Abbot of Obazine Cistercian Abbey |
Stephen Pongracz, Hungarian Jesuit Priest, martyred in Košice, Slovakia |
Stephen the First Martyr, Deacon |
Stephen, Bishop of Chantillon |
Successus, Martyr |
Sulpice (Sulpitius I) Bishop of Bourges |
Sulpice (Sulpitius II), Archbishop of Bourges |
Sulpicius Severus, author of The Life of St. Martin of Tours |
Surano, Abbot, Martyr |
Susanna of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Swibert, Bishop of Northumbria |
Swithun, Bishop of Winchester |
Syagrius, Bishop of Nice |
Sylvanus |
Sylvester, Pope |
Sylvia, Widow (Mother of St. Gregory the Great) |
Symmachus, Pope |
Symmetrius of Rome, Priest and Martyr |
Symphorian, Senator and Martyr |
Symphorosa of Tivoli, Widow, Martyred with her Sons |
Synesius of Rome, Lector and Martyr |
Synphonianus, of Autun, Martyr |
Syrus, Bishop of Genoa |
Syrus, Bishop of Pavia |