Sabas Reyes Slazar, Priest, Cristero Martyr
Sabas the Youth
Sabas, Abbot
Sabina of Rome, Matron and Martyr
Sabina of Talavera, Martyr, Sister of Sts. Cristeta and Vincent of Avila
Sabinianus, Martyr of Cordoba
Sabinus (Abibus), of Egypt, Procurator of Hermopolis, Martyr
Sabinus, Bishop of Assisi, Martyred in Spoleto
Sacerdos, Bishop of Lyon
Sadoth (Sadoc), Metropolitan of Celeucia/Ctesiphon, Martyred by the Persians
Salomea, Queen, Matron, Abbess of the Poor Clares at Zawichost (later moved to Skala)
Salonius, Bishop of Geneva
Salustianus of Sardinia, Martyr
Salvador Huerta Gutierrez, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr
Salvador Lara Puente, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr
Salvador, Martyr
Salvator of Horta, Spanish Franciscan Brother
Salvinus, Bishop of Maçon
Salvius, Bishop of Alvi
Samonas of Edessa, Martyr
Samson, 1st Bishop of Dol, Brittany
Sancja (Janina) Szymkowiak, Polish Daughter of the Sorrowful Mother
Santinus, Bishop of Verdun
Sara of Antioch, Mother, Martyred with her two sons
Sara the Black, Patroness of the Romani (Gypsy) people
Sara, Egyptian Virgin and Ascetic
Saturninus of Carthage, Martyr, One of the Companions of Perpetua and Felicitas
Saturninus, Bishop of Verona
Saturninus, Carthiginian Priest, Martyred in Rome
Saturnus, Vandal Companion of St. Armogastes, Martyr
Savinus (Sabinus), Bishop of Conosa, Martyr
Scholastica, Foundress of the Benedictine Sisters
Sebastian Maggi, Dominican Priest, Reformer
Sebastian, Soldier and Martyr
Sebbe (Sebba, Sebbi) King of the East Angles, Benedictine Monk
Secunda. Virgin and Martyr
Secundinus (Sechnall), Irish Bishop, Nephew of St. Patrick
Secundinus, Bishop of Palestrina
Secundinus, Martyr
Secundus, Martyr
Secundus, Priest, Martyred at Barca, near Alexandria
Senan of Inis Cathaigh (Scattery Island) Irish Abbot/Bishop
Senator, Bishop of Milan
Sennen, Martyr
Serafina of Galicia, early convert
Seraphim of Sarov, Russian monk and mystic
Seraphina (Fina) of St. Gemignano
Seraphino of Ascoli, Capuchin Priest
Seraphinus of Montegrano, Capuchin Lay Brother
Serapia, Virgin and Martyr
Serapion, Bishop of Thmuis, Egypt, “the Scholastic,” head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria
Serapion, Martyr
Serapion, Patriarch of Antioch
Serena of Spoleto, Virgin and Martyr
Serenus of Sirmium, Martyr
Serenus, Disciple of Origen, companion of Plutarch, Martyr
Sergius I, Pope
Sergius of Caesarea in Cappadocia, Martyr
Sergius of Radonzeh, Father of Russian Monasticism, Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery
Sergius of Ravenna, Martyr
Sergius, Soldier and Martyr, Companion of St. Bacchus
Serrano (Serranus), Bishop of Oviedo
Servanus (Serf), Apostle to the Orkneys
Servatius, 1st Bishop of Tongern and Maastricht
Servulus of Trieste, Martyr
Seven Apostolic Men: Clerics ordained in Rome and sent to convert Spain
    Caecilius (Elvira/Granada)
    Ctesiphon (Berja)
    Euphrasius (Andujar)
    Hesychius (Cazorla)
    Indalecius (Pechina)
    Secundus (Avila)
    Torquatus (Guadix)
Seven Holy Sleepers of Ephesus, Martyrs
Severianus, Martyr
Severinus of Norica, Martyr
Severinus, Bishop of Septempeda (now San Severino)
Severinus, Bishop, either of Bordeaux or Cologne
Severus, Bishop of Barcelona, Martyr
Severus, Bishop of Catania, Sicily
Severus, Bishop of Ravenna
Sibilbald, Bishop of Metz
Sibyllina Biscossi of Pavia, Dominican Tertiary
Sidonius, Roman, Martyred under Aurelian, enshrined in Flanders
Sigebald, Bishop of Metz
Sigebert I, King of East Anglia
Sigfried, Bishop of Sweden (baptized St. Olaf)
Sigismund, King of Burgundy, Martyr
Silvanus, Associate of St. Paul
Silvanus, Bishop of Gaza
Silvanus, Martyred in Alexandria
Silverius, Pope
Silvester Guzzolini, Abbot, Founder if the Silvestrine Benedictines
Silvester I, Pope
Silvius, Bishop of Toulouse
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari
Simeon Cardon and 5 Companions, Cistercian Martyrs of Casamari
Simeon Stylites
Simeon the God-Receiver of Jerusalem
Simeon, Second Bishop of Jerusalem and Cousin of Our Lord
Simon Mchajlovic of Volom, Russian Priest, Martyr
Simon Miguel Rodriguez, Franciscan Brother, Martyr
Simon Stock, Carmelite Priest, Superior General of the Order
Simon the Apostle
Simplicianus, Bishop of Milan, Successor of St. Ambrose, Friend of St. Augustine
Simplicius, Martyr
Simplicius, Pope
Sirus (Horus), Bishop, Martyred in Alexandria
Sisebuto, Abbot of Cardena
Sisinius, Martyr
Sisto Riario Sforza, Cardinal Archbishop of Naples
Sixtus I, Bishop of Rheims
Sixtus I, Pope and Martyr
Sixtus II, Pope and Martyr
Sixtus III, Pope
Solange of Bourges, Virgin and Martyr
Solanus Casey, Franciscan Priest from Detroit
Solemnius, Bishop of Chartres
Solomon, Portuguese, martyred in Cordoba
Solutor, Martyr, Patron of Turin
Sophia, Martyr
Sophia, Roman Virgin, Martyr
Sophia, Widow, Martyr, and her daughter Martyrs:
Sophia (Soilomonia Jurievn Saburova) of Suzdal, Princess of Moscow
Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem
Soprata, Virgin, Daughter of Byzantine Emperor Maurice
Sosipater of Iconium, associate of St. Paul, 1st Bishop of Iconium
Sosthenes Sostegni, One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Soter, Pope and Martyr
Sotera, Martyr
Soteria, Great-Grandmother of St. Ambrose of Milan
Sotiro (Zuwarda), Virgin, Martyred in Dordrecht, Holland
Speciosa of Antioch, Virgin and Martyr
Speranza di Gesu (Giuseppa Alhama Valera), foundress of the Handmaids of Merciful Love
Stanislaus Kostka, Jesuit Novice
Stanislaus, Bishop of Cracow and Martyr
Stanley Rother, missionary Priest from Oklahoma, martyred in Guatemala
Stephania, Coptic Martyr
Stephen (Istvan), King of Hungary
Stephen Bandelli, Dominican Priest
Stephen Harding, One of the Three Co-founders of the Cistercians
Stephen I, Pope and Martyr
Stephen of Grandmont, Founder of the extinguished Order of Grandmont
Stephen of Obazine, French Hermit, Founding Abbot of Obazine Cistercian Abbey
Stephen Pongracz, Hungarian Jesuit Priest, martyred in Košice, Slovakia
Stephen the First Martyr, Deacon
Stephen, Bishop of Chantillon
Successus, Martyr
Sulpice (Sulpitius I) Bishop of Bourges
Sulpice (Sulpitius II), Archbishop of Bourges
Sulpicius Severus, author of The Life of St. Martin of Tours
Surano, Abbot, Martyr
Susanna of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
Swibert, Bishop of Northumbria
Swithun, Bishop of Winchester
Syagrius, Bishop of Nice
Sylvester, Pope
Sylvia, Widow (Mother of St. Gregory the Great)
Symmachus, Pope
Symmetrius of Rome, Priest and Martyr
Symphorian, Senator and Martyr
Symphorosa of Tivoli, Widow, Martyred with her Sons
Synesius of Rome, Lector and Martyr
Synphonianus, of Autun, Martyr
Syrus, Bishop of Genoa
Syrus, Bishop of Pavia