Babylas (Babila), 12th Bishop of Antioch, Martyr
Bacchus, Soldier and Martyr, Companion of St. Sergius
Badulph (Badour), Abbot of Ainsalt
Balbina of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
Baldomerus, Monk from Lyon, Patron of Locksmiths
Baldus, Bishop of Tours
Balthazar, one of the Three Magi
Barbara of Nicomedia, Virgin and Martyr
Barbara the New Martyr, Barbara Yakovleva, companion of Elizabeth the New Martyr
Barbarus of Thessaly, former robber, hermit
Barbatus, Bishop of Benevento
Bardo, Benedictine Bishop of Mainz
Barlaam of Antioch, Martyr
Barlaam, First Abbot of the Kiev Lavra
Barnabas, Disciple and Associate of St. Paul
Barsanulphius of Gaza, Palestinian hermit
Barsanuphius, Egyptian Abbot
Barses, Bishop of Edessa, Syria
Bartholomaeus degl’ Amidei, One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Bartholomew Pucci-Franceschi, Capuchin Priest
Bartholomew the Apostle (Nathaniel)
Bartolo Fanti of Mount Carmel. Confessor
Bartolomeo (Bartolo) Longo, Confessor
Barulus, Martyred in Antioch
Basil the Great, Bishop of Cappadocian Caesarea and Father of the Church
Basil, Bishop of Amasea, Martyred at Nicomedia on March 28, 322
Basil, Bishop of Parium
Basil, Confessor, Father of Basil the Great
Basilia, Coptic Virgin, Martyred under Gallienus
Basilides, Martyr
Basiliscus, Bishop of Comana (Pontus), Martyr
Basilissa of Antioch, Virgin and Martyr
Basilissa of Rome, Martyr (buried St. Peter and St. Paul)
Basinus, Scandinavian, Martyred in Ghent
Basolus of Rheims, Monk and Confessor
Bassian, Bishop of Lodi
Bassus, first Bishop of Nice, Martyr
Bathilda, Queen of Neustria
Baudilius (Baudier) of Nimes, Martyr
Bavo (Allowin) of Ghent and Haarlem, Prince and Monk
Beata, Martyr
Beatrice d’Este I, nun
Beatrice d’Este II, Benedictine
Beatrice da Silva, Foundress of the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
Beatrice of Nazareth, Cistercian Mystic
Beatrix d’Ornacieux, Carthusian Nun
Bede the Venerable, Monk and Father of English History
Bede the Younger, Benedictine Monk of Cavallo
Bega of Northumbria, Abbess
Begga, Widow of Pepin
Benedict Biscop, Abbot, Founder of Wearmouth and Jarrow Monasteries
Benedict Crispus, Bishop of Milan
Benedict II, Pope
Benedict Joseph Labre, Confessor
Benedict of Benevento, Benedictine Priest, Martyr, one of the Five Holy Martyrs of Poland
Benedict of Herbauge
Benedict of Nursia, Abbot and Founder of the Benedictines
Benedict the Moor of S. Filadelfo (San Fradello), Franciscan
Benedicta, Martyr
Benen, Patrick’s Psalm-singer, second Bishop of Armagh
Benev ?, Bishop
Benezet of Avignon, Benedict the Bridge Builder
Benigna, Martyred in Gaul
Benignus of Dijon, Martyr
Benildis (Peter Romancon) French Christian Brother, Confessor
Benildis, Matron and Martyr of Cordoba
Benjamin Julian (Vicente Alonso Andres’), Spanish Christian Broher, Martyr
Benjamin, Martyr
Benno, Bishop of Meissen
Benvenute of Gubbio, Franciscan
Benvenuto Scotivoli, Bishop of Osimo
Berardo de Corbio, Franciscan Martyr
Bercharius, Abbot of Der, Martyr
Beregiso, Abbot of Andage
Berenice, Virgin and Martyr
Berisimus (Verissimus) Roman Boy Martyr
Berlinda (Bellande) of Meerbeke, Virgin
Bernadette Soubirous, Nun, Visionary of Lourdes
Bernadine of Siena, Franciscan Reforming Priest
Bernadino Realino, Jesuit Priest
Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercian Abbot and Doctor of the Church
Bernard of Corleone, Capuchin Brother
Bernard of Menthon, Confessor
Bernard of Offida, Capuchin Lay Brother
Bernard of Rodez, Benedictine Monk
Bernard of Thiron (Abbeville), Benedictine Abbot
Bernard Ptolemei, Founder of the Olivetans
Bernardino of Feltre,Franciscan
Bernardo Calvo, Spanish Cistercian Bishop
Bernardo Maria Silvestrelli, Priest, “Second Founder” of the Passionists
Bernardo of Alcira (Ahmet Ibn Al Mansur), Cistercian Martyr
Berno, First Abbot of Cluny
Bernward, Bishop of Hildesheim, Architect
Bertha d’Alberti de Bardi, Villambrosan Benedictine nun
Bertha, Queen of Kent
Berthold, 1st Superior General of the Carmelites
Berthold, Abbot of Engelberg
Bertrand, Bishop of Comminges
Bertuinus, Bishop of Malonne
Bertulph, Abbot of Bobbio
Bessarion of Egypt, Hermit
Betanion (Bettanio) Bishop of Tomi, Syria
Bettelin, English Hermit, friend of St. Guthlac
Bibiana (Viviana) of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
Bicor, Persian Bishop, Martyred by King Shapur II of Persia
Bihildis, Abbess of Chelles
Bilius, Bishop of Dariorigo (Vannes), Brittany
Birgitta Morello of Jesus, Foundress, Ursuline Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
Birinus, Bishop, Apostle to Wessex
Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste and Martyr
Blanchard of Nesle-la-Reposte, Confessor
Blanche (Blanca) of Castile, Queen of France
Blandina of Lyon, Virgin and Martyr
Blane, Bishop of Dunbland, Scotland
Blasius of Amorion, Monk of Constantinople
Bogomil, Bishop of Gniezno, Poland
Bona of Pisa, Virgin
Bonajuncta Monetti, One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Bonaventure of Barcelona, Franciscan Priest
Bonaventure of Potenza, Franciscan
Bonaventure, Franciscan Cardinal and Doctor of the Church
Bonfilius Monaldi, One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
Boniface IV, Pope
Boniface of Savoy, 46th Archbishop of Canterbury
Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz, Apostle of Germany, and Martyr
Boniface, Cistercian Bishop of Lausanne, Switzerland
Boniface, Martyr
Bonita of Brioude, Hermitess
Bonitus (Bonet), Bishop of Clermont
Bononius, Benedictine Abbot of Lucedio
Bonosa, Martyr
Bonosius, Camoldolese Abbot
Bonosus, Bishop of Trier
Bonosus, Martyr
Boris, Prince of Kiev, Martyr
Braulio M. Corres and his 68 companions, Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God, Martyrs
Braulio, Bishop of Zaragozza
Brendan “the Navigator”, Abbot of Clonfert
Brendan, Abbot of Birr
Bretanion, Bishop of Tomi (Constanta), Romania
Brice (Britius) Second Bishop of Tours
Bridget (Birgitta) of Sweden, Widow and Foundress of the Bridgettines
Brigid (Bride) of Ireland, Abbess of Kildare
Brigid (Britta) Scottish Princess, martyred in Picardy with her sister Maura
Brinstan (Birstan), Bishop of Winchester
Bronisalva Odrowaz, Norbertine Nun, Cousin of Sts. Hyacinth and Ceslaus
Bruno, Bishop of Minden
Bruno, Priest and Founder of the Carthusians
Budoc, Bishop of Dol, in Brittany
Bugudnofara (Fara), Abbess of Faremoutiers
Burchard, 1st Bishop of Würzburg
Maria Bernarda (Verena) Butlet, foundress Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Help of Sinners