Babylas (Babila), 12th Bishop of Antioch, Martyr |
Bacchus, Soldier and Martyr, Companion of St. Sergius |
Badulph (Badour), Abbot of Ainsalt |
Balbina of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Baldomerus, Monk from Lyon, Patron of Locksmiths |
Baldus, Bishop of Tours |
Balthazar, one of the Three Magi |
Barbara of Nicomedia, Virgin and Martyr |
Barbara the New Martyr, Barbara Yakovleva, companion of Elizabeth the New Martyr |
Barbarus of Thessaly, former robber, hermit |
Barbatus, Bishop of Benevento |
Bardo, Benedictine Bishop of Mainz |
Barlaam of Antioch, Martyr |
Barlaam, First Abbot of the Kiev Lavra |
Barnabas, Disciple and Associate of St. Paul |
Barsanulphius of Gaza, Palestinian hermit |
Barsanuphius, Egyptian Abbot |
Barses, Bishop of Edessa, Syria |
Bartholomaeus degl’ Amidei, One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order |
Bartholomew Pucci-Franceschi, Capuchin Priest |
Bartholomew the Apostle (Nathaniel) |
Bartolo Fanti of Mount Carmel. Confessor |
Bartolomeo (Bartolo) Longo, Confessor |
Barulus, Martyred in Antioch |
Basil the Great, Bishop of Cappadocian Caesarea and Father of the Church |
Basil, Bishop of Amasea, Martyred at Nicomedia on March 28, 322 |
Basil, Bishop of Parium |
Basil, Confessor, Father of Basil the Great |
Basilia, Coptic Virgin, Martyred under Gallienus |
Basilides, Martyr |
Basiliscus, Bishop of Comana (Pontus), Martyr |
Basilissa of Antioch, Virgin and Martyr |
Basilissa of Rome, Martyr (buried St. Peter and St. Paul) |
Basinus, Scandinavian, Martyred in Ghent |
Basolus of Rheims, Monk and Confessor |
Bassian, Bishop of Lodi |
Bassus, first Bishop of Nice, Martyr |
Bathilda, Queen of Neustria |
Baudilius (Baudier) of Nimes, Martyr |
Bavo (Allowin) of Ghent and Haarlem, Prince and Monk |
Beata, Martyr |
Beatrice d’Este I, nun |
Beatrice d’Este II, Benedictine |
Beatrice da Silva, Foundress of the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Beatrice of Nazareth, Cistercian Mystic |
Beatrix d’Ornacieux, Carthusian Nun |
Bede the Venerable, Monk and Father of English History |
Bede the Younger, Benedictine Monk of Cavallo |
Bega of Northumbria, Abbess |
Begga, Widow of Pepin |
Benedict |
Benedict Biscop, Abbot, Founder of Wearmouth and Jarrow Monasteries |
Benedict Crispus, Bishop of Milan |
Benedict II, Pope |
Benedict Joseph Labre, Confessor |
Benedict of Benevento, Benedictine Priest, Martyr, one of the Five Holy Martyrs of Poland |
Benedict of Herbauge |
Benedict of Nursia, Abbot and Founder of the Benedictines |
Benedict the Moor of S. Filadelfo (San Fradello), Franciscan |
Benedicta, Martyr |
Benen, Patrick’s Psalm-singer, second Bishop of Armagh |
Benev ?, Bishop |
Benezet of Avignon, Benedict the Bridge Builder |
Benigna, Martyred in Gaul |
Benignus of Dijon, Martyr |
Benildis (Peter Romancon) French Christian Brother, Confessor |
Benildis, Matron and Martyr of Cordoba |
Benjamin Julian (Vicente Alonso Andres’), Spanish Christian Broher, Martyr |
Benjamin, Martyr |
Benno, Bishop of Meissen |
Benvenute of Gubbio, Franciscan |
Benvenuto Scotivoli, Bishop of Osimo |
Berardo de Corbio, Franciscan Martyr |
Bercharius, Abbot of Der, Martyr |
Beregiso, Abbot of Andage |
Berenice, Virgin and Martyr |
Berisimus (Verissimus) Roman Boy Martyr |
Berlinda (Bellande) of Meerbeke, Virgin |
Bernadette Soubirous, Nun, Visionary of Lourdes |
Bernadine of Siena, Franciscan Reforming Priest |
Bernadino Realino, Jesuit Priest |
Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercian Abbot and Doctor of the Church |
Bernard of Corleone, Capuchin Brother |
Bernard of Menthon, Confessor |
Bernard of Offida, Capuchin Lay Brother |
Bernard of Rodez, Benedictine Monk |
Bernard of Thiron (Abbeville), Benedictine Abbot |
Bernard Ptolemei, Founder of the Olivetans |
Bernardino of Feltre,Franciscan |
Bernardo Calvo, Spanish Cistercian Bishop |
Bernardo Maria Silvestrelli, Priest, “Second Founder” of the Passionists |
Bernardo of Alcira (Ahmet Ibn Al Mansur), Cistercian Martyr |
Berno, First Abbot of Cluny |
Bernward, Bishop of Hildesheim, Architect |
Bertha d’Alberti de Bardi, Villambrosan Benedictine nun |
Bertha, Queen of Kent |
Berthold, 1st Superior General of the Carmelites |
Berthold, Abbot of Engelberg |
Bertrand, Bishop of Comminges |
Bertuinus, Bishop of Malonne |
Bertulph, Abbot of Bobbio |
Bessarion of Egypt, Hermit |
Betanion (Bettanio) Bishop of Tomi, Syria |
Bettelin, English Hermit, friend of St. Guthlac |
Bibiana (Viviana) of Rome, Virgin and Martyr |
Bicor, Persian Bishop, Martyred by King Shapur II of Persia |
Bihildis, Abbess of Chelles |
Bilius, Bishop of Dariorigo (Vannes), Brittany |
Birgitta Morello of Jesus, Foundress, Ursuline Sisters of the Immaculate Conception |
Birinus, Bishop, Apostle to Wessex |
Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste and Martyr |
Blanchard of Nesle-la-Reposte, Confessor |
Blanche (Blanca) of Castile, Queen of France |
Blandina of Lyon, Virgin and Martyr |
Blane, Bishop of Dunbland, Scotland |
Blasius of Amorion, Monk of Constantinople |
Bogomil, Bishop of Gniezno, Poland |
Bona of Pisa, Virgin |
Bonajuncta Monetti, One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order |
Bonaventure of Barcelona, Franciscan Priest |
Bonaventure of Potenza, Franciscan |
Bonaventure, Franciscan Cardinal and Doctor of the Church |
Bonfilius Monaldi, One of the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order |
Boniface IV, Pope |
Boniface of Savoy, 46th Archbishop of Canterbury |
Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz, Apostle of Germany, and Martyr |
Boniface, Cistercian Bishop of Lausanne, Switzerland |
Boniface, Martyr |
Bonita of Brioude, Hermitess |
Bonitus (Bonet), Bishop of Clermont |
Bononius, Benedictine Abbot of Lucedio |
Bonosa, Martyr |
Bonosius, Camoldolese Abbot |
Bonosus, Bishop of Trier |
Bonosus, Martyr |
Boris, Prince of Kiev, Martyr |
Braulio M. Corres and his 68 companions, Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God, Martyrs |
Braulio, Bishop of Zaragozza |
Brendan “the Navigator”, Abbot of Clonfert |
Brendan, Abbot of Birr |
Bretanion, Bishop of Tomi (Constanta), Romania |
Brice (Britius) Second Bishop of Tours |
Bridget (Birgitta) of Sweden, Widow and Foundress of the Bridgettines |
Brigid (Bride) of Ireland, Abbess of Kildare |
Brigid (Britta) Scottish Princess, martyred in Picardy with her sister Maura |
Brinstan (Birstan), Bishop of Winchester |
Bronisalva Odrowaz, Norbertine Nun, Cousin of Sts. Hyacinth and Ceslaus |
Bruno, Bishop of Minden |
Bruno, Priest and Founder of the Carthusians |
Budoc, Bishop of Dol, in Brittany |
Bugudnofara (Fara), Abbess of Faremoutiers |
Burchard, 1st Bishop of Würzburg |
Maria Bernarda (Verena) Butlet, foundress Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Help of Sinners |