Kateri Tekakwitha, First Native American (Mohawk/Algonquin) Saint |
Katharine Marie Drexel, Foundress of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament |
Katherine Kasper, Foundress of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ |
Kenny (Cainech, Kenneth) Abbot of Aghaboe, Ireland |
Kerkyra, Virgin, first woman Martyred in Corfu |
Kevin of Glendalough, Irish Abbot |
Keyne (Kenwyn) Welsh Hermitess in Cornwall |
Kilian, Irish bishop, martyred near Würzburg |
Kinga, Queen of Poland, Poor Clare |
Kuksha, Priest, Hieromartyr, Monk of the Great Lavra of the Caves in Kiev |
Kyra of Berea, Syrian Ascetic Virgin |
Lactantius, Martyr |
Lacutus |
Ladislaus (Laszlo), King of Hungary |
Laetitia (Leticia, Letizia), Virgin and Martyr |
Laetus (Lié), of Orleans, Hermit |
Lambert of Zaragoza, Servant, Martyred by his Moorish Master |
Lambert, Bishop of Lyon |
Lambert, Bishop of Maastricht, Patron of Liege, Martyr |
Landelin, Abbot, Founder of Lobbes, Crespin, and Aulne Abbeys |
Landericus (Landry) Bishop of Meaux |
Landoald, Lombard Confessor and Bishop, Missionary Companion of St. Remaclus |
Landrada, Founder and Abbess of Munsterbilzen Abbey |
Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury |
Largus, Martyr |
Laura of Cordoba, Nun, Martyr |
Laurent Imbert, Bishop of the Paris Foreign Mission Society, Martyred in Korea |
Lawrence (Lorcan) O’Toole, Archbishop of Dublin |
Lawrence Giustiniani, Patriarch of Venice |
Lawrence of Brindisi, Capuchin Priest |
Lawrence of Rome, Deacon and Martyr |
Lazarus “Zographos” of Constantinople, Armenian, 1st Iconographer Saint |
Lazarus of Bethany (said to have become the First Bishop of Marseilles) |
Lazarus of Magnesia, Stylite |
Lazarus, Bishop of Milan |
Lea of Rome, Abbess |
Leander, Bishop of Seville |
Lebwin (Leofwine), Anglo-Saxon Missionary to Frisia, Patron of Deventer |
Leo I (the Great), Pope and Father of the Church |
Leo II, Bishop of Catania, Confessor |
Leo II, Pope |
Leo III, Pope |
Leo IX, Pope |
Leo of Lycia, Martyr |
Leo XIII, Pope |
Leo, Martyr |
Leobonus of Salagnac, Hermit |
Leocadia, Virgin and Martyr |
Leocritia, Virgin, Martyr of Cordoba |
Leodegarius (Leger), Bishop of Autun and Martyr |
Leodewin (Ludwin), Bishop of Trier |
Leonard Kimura, Jesuit Lay Brother, one of the Martyrs of Nagasaki |
Leonard Lessius, Flemish Jesuit moral theologian |
Leonard Murialdo, Priest, Founder of the Society of St. Joseph |
Leonard of Port Maurice, Franciscan |
Leonard of Reresby, Yorkshire, Confessor |
Leonardo Perez Larios, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr |
Leonidas of Alexandria, Father of Origen, Martyr |
Leonilla, Martyred in Cappadocia, Venerated at Langres |
Leonora, Queen of England |
Leontia, Virgin and Martyr |
Leontius of Rome, Martyr |
Leontius of Tripoli, Greek General in the Roman Army, Martyr |
Leontius, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia |
Leontius, Bishop of Rostov |
Leopardus, First Bishop of Osimo |
Leopold IV, Margrave of Austria |
Leopold Janauschek, Moravian Cistercian Priest and Professor |
Leopold of Caiche, Capuchin Priest |
Leopoldo (Bogdan) Mandić, Croatian Capuchin Priest, died in Padua |
Leotehardus, Bishop of Auch |
Leovigildo, Martyr of Cordoba |
Leto, Martyr |
Leucius, First Bishop of Brindisi (lead seal, made between 1000 and 1200) |
Leudinus, Bishop of Toul |
Liberata, Virgin and Martyr |
Liberatus, Abbot martyred at Carthage |
Liberius III, Bishop of Ravenna |
Liberius, Bishop of Poitiers |
Liborius, Bishop of Le Mans |
Liduina (Elisa Angela) Meneguzzi, Salesian Sister, missionary to Ethiopia |
Linus, Pope and Martyr |
Lioba (Leobgitha), English Abbess and Missionary, Kinswoman of St. Boniface |
Litifredus, Bishop of Pavia |
Litorius (Lothar) of Tours |
Liudwinus, Bishop of Trier |
Livinus (Lebwin), Apostle of Flanders, Bishop of Ghent, Martyr |
Lochininia of Rossory, Ireland |
Longinus, Centurion at the Crucifixion and Martyr |
Lorenzo Majoranus di Siponto, Bishop of Siponto |
Lorenzo of Novara, Priest, Martyr |
Lorenzo Ruiz, Martyr, First Filipino Saint |
Lorenzo Salvi, Passionist Priest |
Lothar, Bishop of Séez |
Louis (Luis) Bertrand, Dominican Priest, Missionary to South America |
Louis Aleman, Cardinal Archbishop of Arles |
Louis IX, King of France |
Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort, Founder of the Missionaries of the Company of Mary |
Louis Martin, Father of St. Therese of Lisieux |
Louis of Anjou, Franciscan Bishop of Toulouse |
Louis Querbes, Priest, Founder of the Clerics of St. Viator, the Viatorians |
Louis XVI, King of France (from his hair) |
Louise de Marillac, Foundress of the Daughters of Charity |
Louis-Zepherin Moreau, Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, Founder of the Sisters of St. Martha and St. Joseph |
Loup (Lupus = Wolf), Bishop of Troyes |
Luanus, Lua, Lugil, Molua, Abbot of Killaloe, Ireland |
Lubentius of Kobern, Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen |
Lubin (Leobinus), Bishop of Chartres |
Luca Belludi, Franciscan, Disciple of Anthony of Padua |
Lucas the Younger, Stylite from Chalcedon |
Lucia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos, Sr. Lucia, who saw Our Lady of Fatima |
Lucian of Antioch, Priest and Martyr |
Lucianus (Lucien), Bishop of Beauvais, Martyr |
Lucidus, Italian Benedictine Monk |
Lucien, First Bishop of Beauvais, Martyr |
Lucina, Roman Matron |
Lucius (Luchesio) Modestini, Franciscan |
Lucius I, Pope and Martyr |
Lucius of Cyrene, Prophet in the Apostolic Church in Antioch |
Lucy Brocadelli of Narni, Dominican Mystic and Stigmatic |
Lucy, Virgin and Martyr |
Ludan, Irish Pilgrim, Confessor |
Ludger, 1st Bishop of Münster |
Ludmila, Duchess of Bohemia, Martyr, Grandmother of St. Wenceslaus |
Ludolf, Norbertine Bishop of Ratzeburg, Martyr |
Ludovic Frarrijn (Luis Flores) Flemish Dominican Priest, Martyr of Nagasaki |
Ludovica (Louise) Albertoni, Widow, Franciscan |
Lugilianus, British pilgrim, murdered in France |
Luigi Orione, Priest, Founder of the Sons of Divine Providence |
Luigi Scrosoppi, Priest, Patron of Football and Soccer Players Luigi Versiglia, Salesian Missionary Bishop in China |
Luis Batiz Sainz, Priest, Cristero Martyr |
Luis Magana Servin, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr |
Luke Kirby, English Priest and Martyr |
Luke the Evangelist |
Lull, Archbishop of Herzfeld |
Lupus, Bishop of Sens |
Lutgardis, Cistercian mystic |
Luxorius, Soldier, Martyred in Sardinia |
Lydia of Thyatira, Disciple of St. Paul at Philippi |