Kateri Tekakwitha, First Native American (Mohawk/Algonquin) Saint
Katharine Marie Drexel, Foundress of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
Katherine Kasper, Foundress of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ
Kenny (Cainech, Kenneth) Abbot of Aghaboe, Ireland
Kerkyra, Virgin, first woman Martyred in Corfu
Kevin of Glendalough, Irish Abbot
Keyne (Kenwyn) Welsh Hermitess in Cornwall
Kilian, Irish bishop, martyred near Würzburg
Kinga, Queen of Poland, Poor Clare
Kuksha, Priest, Hieromartyr, Monk of the Great Lavra of the Caves in Kiev
Kyra of Berea, Syrian Ascetic Virgin






Lactantius, Martyr
Ladislaus (Laszlo), King of Hungary
Laetitia (Leticia, Letizia), Virgin and Martyr
Laetus (Lié), of Orleans, Hermit
Lambert of Zaragoza, Servant, Martyred by his Moorish Master
Lambert, Bishop of Lyon
Lambert, Bishop of Maastricht, Patron of Liege, Martyr
Landelin, Abbot, Founder of Lobbes, Crespin, and Aulne Abbeys
Landericus (Landry) Bishop of Meaux
Landoald, Lombard Confessor and Bishop, Missionary Companion of St. Remaclus
Landrada, Founder and Abbess of Munsterbilzen Abbey
Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury
Largus, Martyr
Laura of Cordoba, Nun, Martyr
Laurent Imbert, Bishop of the Paris Foreign Mission Society, Martyred in Korea
Lawrence (Lorcan) O’Toole, Archbishop of Dublin
Lawrence Giustiniani, Patriarch of Venice
Lawrence of Brindisi, Capuchin Priest
Lawrence of Rome, Deacon and Martyr
Lazarus “Zographos” of Constantinople, Armenian, 1st Iconographer Saint
Lazarus of Bethany (said to have become the First Bishop of Marseilles)
Lazarus of Magnesia, Stylite
Lazarus, Bishop of Milan
Lea of Rome, Abbess
Leander, Bishop of Seville
Lebwin (Leofwine), Anglo-Saxon Missionary to Frisia, Patron of Deventer
Leo I (the Great), Pope and Father of the Church
Leo II, Bishop of Catania, Confessor
Leo II, Pope
Leo III, Pope
Leo IX, Pope
Leo of Lycia, Martyr
Leo XIII, Pope
Leo, Martyr
Leobonus of Salagnac, Hermit
Leocadia, Virgin and Martyr
Leocritia, Virgin, Martyr of Cordoba
Leodegarius (Leger), Bishop of Autun and Martyr
Leodewin (Ludwin), Bishop of Trier
Leonard Kimura, Jesuit Lay Brother, one of the Martyrs of Nagasaki
Leonard Lessius, Flemish Jesuit moral theologian
Leonard Murialdo, Priest, Founder of the Society of St. Joseph
Leonard of Port Maurice, Franciscan
Leonard of Reresby, Yorkshire, Confessor
Leonardo Perez Larios, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr
Leonidas of Alexandria, Father of Origen, Martyr
Leonilla, Martyred in Cappadocia, Venerated at Langres
Leonora, Queen of England
Leontia, Virgin and Martyr
Leontius of Rome, Martyr
Leontius of Tripoli, Greek General in the Roman Army, Martyr
Leontius, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia
Leontius, Bishop of Rostov
Leopardus, First Bishop of Osimo
Leopold IV, Margrave of Austria
Leopold Janauschek, Moravian Cistercian Priest and Professor
Leopold of Caiche, Capuchin Priest
Leopoldo (Bogdan) Mandić, Croatian Capuchin Priest, died in Padua
Leotehardus, Bishop of Auch
Leovigildo, Martyr of Cordoba
Leto, Martyr
Leucius, First Bishop of Brindisi (lead seal, made between 1000 and 1200)
Leudinus, Bishop of Toul
Liberata, Virgin and Martyr
Liberatus, Abbot martyred at Carthage
Liberius III, Bishop of Ravenna
Liberius, Bishop of Poitiers
Liborius, Bishop of Le Mans
Liduina (Elisa Angela) Meneguzzi, Salesian Sister, missionary to Ethiopia
Linus, Pope and Martyr
Lioba (Leobgitha), English Abbess and Missionary, Kinswoman of St. Boniface
Litifredus, Bishop of Pavia
Litorius (Lothar) of Tours
Liudwinus, Bishop of Trier
Livinus (Lebwin), Apostle of Flanders, Bishop of Ghent, Martyr
Lochininia of Rossory, Ireland
Longinus, Centurion at the Crucifixion and Martyr
Lorenzo Majoranus di Siponto, Bishop of Siponto
Lorenzo of Novara, Priest, Martyr
Lorenzo Ruiz, Martyr, First Filipino Saint
Lorenzo Salvi, Passionist Priest
Lothar, Bishop of Séez
Louis (Luis) Bertrand, Dominican Priest, Missionary to South America
Louis Aleman, Cardinal Archbishop of Arles
Louis IX, King of France
Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort, Founder of the Missionaries of the Company of Mary
Louis Martin, Father of St. Therese of Lisieux
Louis of Anjou, Franciscan Bishop of Toulouse
Louis Querbes, Priest, Founder of the Clerics of St. Viator, the Viatorians
Louis XVI, King of France (from his hair)
Louise de Marillac, Foundress of the Daughters of Charity
Louis-Zepherin Moreau, Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe, Founder of the Sisters of St. Martha and St. Joseph
Loup (Lupus = Wolf), Bishop of Troyes
Luanus, Lua, Lugil, Molua, Abbot of Killaloe, Ireland
Lubentius of Kobern, Archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen
Lubin (Leobinus), Bishop of Chartres
Luca Belludi, Franciscan, Disciple of Anthony of Padua
Lucas the Younger, Stylite from Chalcedon
Lucia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos, Sr. Lucia, who saw Our Lady of Fatima
Lucian of Antioch, Priest and Martyr
Lucianus (Lucien), Bishop of Beauvais, Martyr
Lucidus, Italian Benedictine Monk
Lucien, First Bishop of Beauvais, Martyr
Lucina, Roman Matron
Lucius (Luchesio) Modestini, Franciscan
Lucius I, Pope and Martyr
Lucius of Cyrene, Prophet in the Apostolic Church in Antioch
Lucy Brocadelli of Narni, Dominican Mystic and Stigmatic
Lucy, Virgin and Martyr
Ludan, Irish Pilgrim, Confessor
Ludger, 1st Bishop of Münster
Ludmila, Duchess of Bohemia, Martyr, Grandmother of St. Wenceslaus
Ludolf, Norbertine Bishop of Ratzeburg, Martyr
Ludovic Frarrijn (Luis Flores) Flemish Dominican Priest, Martyr of Nagasaki
Ludovica (Louise) Albertoni, Widow, Franciscan
Lugilianus, British pilgrim, murdered in France
Luigi Orione, Priest, Founder of the Sons of Divine Providence
Luigi Versiglia, Salesian Missionary Bishop in China
Luis Batiz Sainz, Priest, Cristero Martyr
Luis Magana Servin, Mexican Layman, Cristero Martyr
Luke Kirby, English Priest and Martyr
Luke the Evangelist
Lull, Archbishop of Herzfeld
Lupus, Bishop of Sens
Lutgardis, Cistercian mystic
Luxorius, Soldier, Martyred in Sardinia
Lydia of Thyatira, Disciple of St. Paul at Philippi