Tarachus, martyred at Anazarbus in Cilicia
Tarasius, Greek Martyr
Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople
Tarcisius of Rome, Acolyte and Martyr, Patron of Communion Ministers
Tarsilia, Aunt of Gregory the Great
Tarsyilya Matskiv, Ukrainian Nun, Martyred by a Soviet Soldier
Tatiana of Rome, Deaconess and Martyr
Taurinus, Bishop of Auch
Telemachus (Almachus), Monk, whose martyrdom ended the gladiatorial games
Telesphorus, Pope and Martyr
Telmo (Pedro González Telmo), Dominican Priest
Terence, Roman Centurion, Martyr
Terentius of Imola, Deacon and Hermit
Terentius, Bishop of Todi
Teresa Casini, Foundress of the Oblate Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Teresa Eustochio Verzeri, Foundress of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Teresa Margarita of the Sacred Heart (Redi), Carmelite nun
Teresa of Avila, Carmelite Mystic and Doctor of the Church
Teresa of Calcutta (hair, two autographed books)
Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, Chilean Carmelite Nun
Tertullia, Virgin, Martyr
Thais of Egypt, Penitent
Thecla of Iconium, Apostolic Virgin and Martyr
Themistocles of Myra, Marttyr
Theobald (Thibaut, Tybalt) Camoldolese Hermit in Luxembourg
Theodard (Audard), Archbishop of Narbonne
Theodard, Bishop of Maastricht and Martyr
Theodora, Empress of Byzantium, who ended Iconoclasm
Theodora of Rome, Virgin and Martyr
Theodore Guerin, Foundress of the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary of the Woods
Theodore of Byzantium, “the New Martyr”
Theodore or Echaita, Soldier and Martyr
Theodore Romzha, Ruthenian Bishop of Mukachene, Martyr
Theodore the Studite, Abbot in Constantinople, Theologian
Theodore, Bishop (of Mopsuestia? or Canterbury?)
Theodore, Bishop of Cyrene
Theodore, Bishop of Pavia
Theodoret of Antioch, Priest, Cathedral Treasurer, Martyred by Julian the Apostate
Theodoric van der Eem, Franciscan Priest, one of the 19 Martyrs of Gorkum
Theodosia, Virgin and Martyr
Theodosius fhe Great (the Cenobiarch) Abbot
Theodosius of Kiev
Theodota, martyred at Constantinople for hiding icons
Theodulph of Trier, Hermit
Theodulph, Bishop of Lobbes, Belgium
Theodulus, Martyr
Theogenes of Cyzicus, Martyr
Theogenes, Bishop of Hippo
Theoginis of Laodicia, Martyr
Theoktistos of Palestine, Hermit
Theonas, Martyr
Theonas, MartyrTheonilla, Martyr
Theonilla, Martyr
Theopemptus, Martyr
Theophanes the Isaurian, Abbot of Mt Sigriane Abbey, Constantinople
Theophila, Martyr
Theophilus (Biagio) Arrighi of Corte, Franciscan Priest, Missionary in Corsica
Theophilus of Constantinople
Theophilus, Sixth Bishop of Antioch, Apologist
Theophylact, Metropolitan of Nicomedia
Theotimus, Bishop of Tomi (Constanta), Romania
Theotonio, Priest, Augustinian Prior of Coimbra
Theresa (Josephine) Dudzik, Foundress of the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago
Therese (Marie-Victoire) Couderc, Foundress of the Religious of the Cenacle
Therese Martin of Lisieux, Carmelite and Doctor of the Church (Little Flower of the Child Jesus)
Therese of St. Augustine: Princess Louise of France, youngest daughter of Louis XV, who was prioress of the Carmelites at St. Denis, poisoned by   opponents of the monarchy in 1787
Therese Verhaeghe, 3rd order Dominican, Beguine from Ghent
Theresia, Cistercian Nun
Thillo (Tillo, Theau), Saxon Priest, Missionary in the Low Countries
Thomas a Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury and Martyr
Thomas a Kempis (Thomas of Kempen), Canon, Author of the “Imitation of Christ”
Thomas ab Urb
Thomas Aquinas, Dominican Priest and Doctor of the Church
Thomas de Cantalupe, Bishop of Hereford
Thomas Garnet, English Jesuit Martyr
Thomas More, Chancellor of England and Martyr
Thomas of Cori, Franciscan Priest
Thomas of Tolentino, Franciscan martyred in China
Thomas of Villanova, Augustinian Archbishop of Valencia
Thomas the Apostle
Thorlak Thorhallsson, Bishop of Skalholt, Patron of Iceland
Three Magi – Gasper, Melchior, Balthazar
Three Magi – Gasper, Melchior, Balthazar
Three Magi – Gasper, Melchior, Balthazar
Throphanes “the Recluse” of Antioch
Tiburtius. Martyr, Brother-in-law of St. Cecilia
Tichon of Limassol, Cyprus, Bishop
Timothy Giaccardo, Pauline Priest
Timothy of Rome, Priest and Martyr
Timothy, Bishop of Gaza and Martyr
Timothy, Disciple of St. Paul and Bishop of Ephesus
Timothy, Martyr
Titus Brandsma, Dutch Carmelite Priest, professional journalist, martyred in Dachau
Titus, Disciple of St. Paul and Bishop of Crete
Tiziano, Fifth Bishop of Brescia
Tomasso Maria Fusco, Priest, Founder of the Daughters of Charity of the Precious Blood
Torello da Poppi, Franciscan Hermit
Toribio Romo, Mexican Priest, Martyr, Patron of Immigrants
Torpetius (Torpès, Tropez) of Pisa, Martyr
Torquatus, Bishop of Gaudix and Martyr
Torquatus, Bishop of Saint-Paul-Trois-Chateaux
Totnan, companion of St. Kilian, martyred near Würzburg
Tranquilinio Ubiarco Robles, Mexican Priest, Cristero Martyr
Trianon, Bishop and Martyr
Triduana, 8th century Irish Hermitess in Scotland
Trifyllius, Bishop of Nicosia
Trophima, Martyred in Alexandria
Trophimus (Trophime), Bishop of Arles
Trudo (Trond) of Hesbaye, Belgium, Benedictine Abbot
Tryphenia of Rome, Friend of St. Pauil (greeted in Romans)
Tryphon of Campsada, Syria, Martyred in Nicaea
Tugdual, Bishop in Brittany
Turbon, Martyred in Cappadocia, venerated in Langres
Turibius de Mogrovejo, Archbishop of Lima
Turibius, Bishop of Astorga
Twelve Apostles of Ireland, 6th century monks who studied under St. Finian of Clonard:
    Brendan of Birr – in B
    Brendan of Clonfert – in B
    Canice of Aghaboe – Canice, Irish Abbot of Kilkenny in C
    Ciaran of Clonmacnois – in C
    Ciaran of Saighir – in C
    Columba of Iona – in C
    Columba of Terryglass
    Laisren Mac Nad Froich
    Mobhi of Glasnevin
    Ninidh of Lough Erne – in N
    Ruadhain of Lorrha
    Senan of Iniscathay – in S